•♥︎• Be more than what we are ? Chapter : Eighteen •♥︎•

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" LOOK !!"

I watch as Yumi stared in aw. The carnival's blooming. The streets were filled with fairy lights, the street lights were shining. I glance up, the stars aginst the darkest of nights and the moon shining.

" I haven't been in this area for so long."

Paris took a glance but didn't bothered saying anything. Holding Yumi's hand, we walk around the area. Clearly ignoring Lily's and Paris bickers to one another until something caught my eye. Both me and Yumi's eyes.

" Yes." I whispered, feeling Yumi nod. It was another plush toy, waiting for the two of us to win it. ' Screw it '

Carrying Yumi to the play booth, a smile came up my lips when I realize it was the game where you shoot five rings in the bottle. The guy from in front of us gave ten rings while I handed him the money. Throwing the ring toward the bottle, I watch as it fit through and stayed.

Literally feeling myself motivated, I shoot another and another one. Letting  five rings through. The guy handed me the plush seal and in terms, I handed it for Yumi to hold.

' finally years of intense game training in carnivals pays off. Fear me people of the earth, I have no fears.'

" Y/n !!" Glancing over at Lily, I finally crack my knuckles. She was grinning all while pointing at a new game.

Whack the mole.

" I challenge you to a duel."

" Foolish mortal," Yumi roll her eyes at me. She knew all too well I'd get pump up at these games but didn't bothered stopping me, after all, I am an amazing big sister.

" I accept your challenge."

And so that went. Lily and I went over to almost all of the carnival games, half on half, winning almost all of them. Iris and Yumi's hands were filled with prizes while Paris held some - for Yumi's sake.

We finally took a break. Yumi happily took a bite out of her cotton candy while I smile at her. Wow an amazing night. Huh ?

Lily scream out of joy, pointing at the sky. Fireworks. My smile widen, how long has it been since I last saw these ?

" Come on !!"

Yumi was tug by Lily with Iris, the three of them running toward the more open view of the park. I glance over at Paris and let out a chuckle. Poor puppet, bored out of his mind. Well, I guess its time to loosen his screws and have some fun. That sounded so wrong in so many levels.

" What are you-" I cut him off, tugging his hand to run off in a different direction to a different viewing sight.

•♡• Paris P.O.V •♡•

She laugh, tugging me along through the park. The smile still on her face. I could feel my lips part from the amusement I had.

' I think, I can love you.."

A ghost of a smile came as she stop and point her finger at the fireworks ? I think it was. But my eyes idly glance away from the stars above and instead at her as another set of fireworks came. Booming loudly and muffling out the words I wanted to say to her.

•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now