•♥︎• Movie night Chapter : Five •♥︎•

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" Oh let's watch Sing, you know where animals are singing." 

And that is how it went. Kay brought down two bowls of popcorn as the movie started, sitting beside Iris, she gave a smile at the twin. Ethan gestured for Lily to sit beside him, Yumi sitting by Y/n's side as Dexter lean against her shoulder.

Through out the movie, Dexter commented on scenes from time to time making Y/n to cover her laughter. Paris merely scoff at them, a slight tint of red in his eyes glowed.

It might be from his pride that kept his composure still but the thought of Dexter holding on Y/n's hand made him feel, what's the word ? Ah ! Annoyed. 

His focus shifted over to the two, Dexter's hand holding on Y/n's hand as the scene from the movie change. Narrowing at the sight, he pinch down on her side, Y/n turned over and slap the puppet's small hand letting go of Dexter's grip.

Glaring at Paris, she gave a huff and turned back at the movie. He rolled his eyes, I mean he's just looking out for her, right? 

" Is something wrong?" 

He asked with concern in his eyes, Y/n smiled and shook her head, watching the movie again. An hour pass, Dexter stood up making everyone turn to him. They watch as Dexter grab hold of the remote, thinking his only going to rise the volume up, it was unexpected when he suddenly twirled around and smirk at them.

It was by then, the movie suddenly blasted music. Dancing through the rhythm, He turned and grab onto Kay's hand, tugging her close as they dance together. 

" And that you must go other places, just don't you feel too bad. When you get fooled by smiling faces! "

Kay laugh, turning around, her fingers grasp on Iris's, hoisting her up. The three of them dance, a smirk tug on Ethan's lips as he stood up and gestured for Lily's hand. 

" Don't you worry 'bout a thing, Don't you worry 'bout a thing, baby. COME HERE !!" 

Dexter shouted, his smile capturing Y/n's face, tugging her out of the couch. Y/n turned over to her sister, laughing as she grab her hand. The house felt more lively than before, the room blasted out music, dancing along the rhythm, smiles on their faces.

Yumi glance over at the puppet from the side, now noticing a slight smile and sway of his head, clearly enjoying the music. It really was a sight to see, someone who's much strict and so well focus on several things, having fun. 

"Oh-oh-oh-ooh-oh-oh-oh aaaa-" 

Everyone stop, their gaze on Dexter who glance down at the remote. His voice had crack when he started singing the high note of the song, a snort erupted their silence. They glance over at Ethan, his hand covering his mouth until finally laughter came out. It was more than enough for them to start laughing, Y/n lean over at Dexter's side, holding onto her stomach. 

" Oh. Pa-pa, pa-pa-pa-pa Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa Pa-pa, pa-pa-pa-pa"

Twirling her around, Yumi giggled as Iris held her hands. The smile on her face brighten, after all those times of making her sister happy, this was the most joy she had seen on Yumi. The younger sibling glance over at Y/n, smiling at her then turned back at the rest of them.

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