•♥︎• Paris Chapter : Seventeen •♥︎•

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" Hey mom.. Dad.."

Placing the bouquet down, I sat on the other side of the grave. Listening to the wind blowing as Dexter laid his head against my shoulder. Its nice to have him here with me.

" So.. My day's great, been with Dexter. Nora and Atsuko's taking good care of me and Yumi, uhm.. I don't know what to say." I chuckled, I really don't know what to say.

" She's still single." Dexter tutted, laughing while I shove him away from me.

" Yeah.." I debated whether to tell him or not.

" But," He continued. I glance at him, wondering what's inside that idiots mind. " Chester seems to take a liking to you, maybe, you two can you know."

" Dex.. I don't like him that way."

" I know."

Silence. Another awkward silence. The sound of an ice cream vendor made Dexter sat up, and run to get us ice cream. Maybe just him. Watching the child run away, I glance back at the grave. Leaning slightly at palms.

" You know. I just recently met someone. Unexpectedly, I blurted out that I'm dating him. "

The wind felt colder than usual but I still continued. " He's rude and very much has an ego, I think ? But.. he's sweet once you get to know him. All in all he's like that cute cat we once saw.  "

A chuckle escapes my lips. Paris is something.. A gentlemen mix with a jerkish boy. Definitely someone I could get along with.

" I'll play some music while I wait for Dexter to get back here, I hope you don't mind Mom."

Going through my phone, soft dark academia music came while Dexter ran back to us, his hand holding one ice cream and the other a f/d drink. The afternoon felt nice, shade underneath a tree, listening to some dark academia music and just chilling really is nice.

" Would you rather date someone you know but makes you uncomfortable or date someone you barely know but makes you feel comfortable ?"

" Oh, definitely someone I barely know. Being with someone who makes me uncomfortable gives me red flags, especially when its in a relationship."

" Says the one who simps over dark mysterious, creepy, bad boy, toxic villains, mafia men, dark princes, enemies to lovers vibes, dagger on neck, fictional characters."

" Touche." 

We laugh. I mean who wouldn't simp over someone who looks handsome but kills people ? In fiction of course.

An hour pass. Dexter left while I walk back home, going down the stairs of a nearby park, the sky started to fade into a lovely hue of a sunset. Humming along, I went to a familiar swing. I'll go home when my phone rings from my upcoming alarm.

I sat on the swing. 5 pm. Wow, what a day. Tomorrows the carnival, I'm going with Paris and Yumi, Lily might join us. Its going to be fun with her around.

' Paris..'

Pushing myself high on the swing, I swung down. My legs rocking back and forth.

•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now