•♥︎• Let's dance together again Chapter : Thirteen •♥︎•

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" No." 

" Stop , that's the wrong step." 

" Stop." 

" Ugh." 

Every dance was getting difficult than before. As of tonight,

" Alright. That's it, you got it and now we-"

" Ah ! I'm sorry."

She fell silent. It's been four days from the day they started to practice, every chance she got to dance with him was a bit rough. Yumi frown, Paris was beyond annoyed at this point while she tries to make him laugh to lighten the grumpy puppet's mood. 

It didn't help at all.

" Let's go back from the top..? "

It was a question now, rather than the times she normally say when they dance. But Paris, being at his limit, huff and pinch the bridge of his nose.

" What's the point of all this, if you can't follow through ?"

" I'm sorry, I can't dan-"

" Stop using that as an excuse for your actions."

This was the first time in a while she saw him this frustrated. Y/n shut her mouth close, Yumi glance at the two of them. Her fingers messing with the brim of her sleeve.

" I have no time for this," He said. Turning to walk out of the door.

" I have more important matters than to dance with you."

With that, he shut the door close. Y/n sigh and sat down on her bed, hands on her face. Yumi stayed silent, standing up as she walk towards her. 

" I-I can dance with you." She said, trying to lighten the mood. 

A soft smile tug on her lips, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to dance with someone else. 

" Okay." 

The song continued as the two sisters dance, Yumi smiled trying to keep up with Y/n's steps. The height difference didn't help at all, their legs kept bumping into each other, sometimes even stepping on the other person's foot. But it didn't matter, the two laugh it off. 

" I'm so sorry !!" Y/n laugh as Yumi blush and hid her face away in her palms. 

" Hey," softly prying away her hands from her face, Yumi glance at Y/n. A smile on her lips, as she stood back up, holding Yumi's hand as she did. 

" It's okay, now come on ! Let's dance !"

Hearing their footsteps against the floor, Paris cup his cheek, wondering if he was too harsh on her. Deciding on the latter, he took a few minutes to himself, composing and thinking about what to say to her.

It took him a few hours but finally. He step out of the room, his hands twisting the knob on the door. He watch the two dance together, well sort of, he chuckled when Y/n bump into Yumi's figure. 

Yumi took a step back, her laughter still coming out as Y/n twirl, going over to dance back with her. She stop, his hands grasping over at Y/n's, Paris humming along the tone of the piano song. 

•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now