•♥︎• Sleepless night chapter : sixteen •♥︎•

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It was pass midnight. Damn, I'm still not asleep. I glance at the clock.

One am in the dang morning.

I sighed, remembering well that today's the day. My parent's death anniversary. I don't want to visit them, not that I hate them, but because of the guilt inside of me. Maybe if I didn't come inside that closet, maybe I could still be with them.

" Huh." The door slightly swung open, I laid still. Thinking its Atsuko knowing I'm still not asleep but instead I was greeted with a chuckle. A familiar chuckle.

" Well, that wasn't very convincing if you ask me."

My head look up and smiled at him.
" I didn't ask for your opinion Paris."

He shrug his shoulders and sat on the other side of the bed.

" Why are you here anyways ? Came to tolerate me with your foolish creators creations ?" Paris roll his eyes, crossing his leg on top of the other.

" Not really. But to answer your question from before, yes." He glance at me while I rose my brow.

" I'll accompany both you and Yumi. As it turns out, Yumi hasn't been getting dreams of the other creations. So I suppose it's safe to say, it will be alright to join the both of you."

I smiled and nodded my head. Already knowing how to paint his whole face to make it more human like. A soft pat on my thigh made me look back at him.

" Well then since it's settled. I'll take my leave, you should get some rest too." Paris stood up but didn't move when he saw my hesitation.

" Paris.." I whispered, looking at him. He sighed and laid his body on the other side, arms underneath his head.

" Alright. I'll stay until you've fallen asleep."

" I meant to say can you grab my water from my mini refrigator because I'm thirsty.."

We look at each other in silence. Until I burst out laughing, his cheeks glowing red than usual. Unbeknowst to me, I had laid my head on top of his chest. Paris stayed still but smiled and chuckled along.

We stayed there. Me laying on top of him and his hands on my waist. This is comforting to say the least.

" Now, get off me. You said you were thirsty, I'll get that water."

" Yeah get it."

After giving me my water and drinking it. We both stayed in silence back to hugging him.

" Why did you think I wanted you to cuddle me to sleep ? Cliche much ?" I teased, Paris scoff and turn to look at me from the side. Both of us looking at each other.

" Well. I was reading one of your books and thought you need it. You are the type to need a cuddle or so, giving by how affectionate you are to others."

" Touche." Wait, books ? Did he read the smutty books I bought ?! " If you don't mind me asking, what book did you read ?"

" Sunshine of moon delux."

I guess Paris could see the excitement in me as he laid his arm underneath his head to listen while I go on and on about how I love the book. I hadn't notice his gaze on me and how he smiled.

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