•♥︎• Let's have Dinner ? Chapter: Six •♥︎•

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•♡• THIRD P.O.V •♡•

" So. We're capturing a paint brush." Y/n questioned with a look of confusion in her face. Paris m nodded his head, turning back to her gaze, he let out a sigh and motioned for her to sit.

" As ridiculous as it sounds, Yes, we'll be capturing a paint brush. The sole purpose of the brush is to paint something that isn't there,  similar to the previous camera we dealt with.  Or from what I have remembered.."

He said as Y/n sat on the couch beside Yumi, it was already mid morning, the sun shining outside and the three of them inside of the living room. Discussing about the dream Yumi had about a paint brush.

It might have been from the way Y/n tilted her head from side to side that made Yumi lightly push her to the other side of the couch, to let her sleep a bit. If anything the only thing she always knew about Y/n is that she isn't a morning person. Paris sighed watching as Y/n stretch her arms and went to sleep.

" I don't want to be rude but it seems as you need to be out of this mission for now Y/n, at least until you've finally got enough rest."

This made Y/n shot up, like hell was she going to let this puppet get out of her fun. Shaking her hands, she pointed at him and jumped back on her feet. Yumi watching the two in complete silence.

" Like hell am I going to let you go alone with my sister, I'm coming with."

She said with a smile on her face. It wasn't enough but it did made him smile back at her, waving his hand, Paris covered his mouth.

" Ah, it's quite amusing to see this side of you,"

Y/n snorted and turned around, walking straight back to her room, leaving the two behind. The puppet shook his head as Yumi smiled and went in to the kitchen for a morning sip of her milk.

Hours came and went. The soft breeze of the afternoon wind made her hair sway, Y/n held Yumi's hand and out of the house they went. Until she turned back and went over to the door, trying to open it. Paris rose a brow at Y/n as she tried to open the house again. 

" Aight, it's lock ! Lezz go."

Walking towards the other two, Yumi held on Y/n's hand as Paris look at her still confuse. Y/n turned at him and smiled. 

" I do that just incase I really didn't lock the door, I'm forgetful sometimes and this is one of those times."

The puppet nodded as they all continued, the house wasn't really far from the Wright's, so it was very easy for them to return back home.

Surprisingly enough, the two had convinced Paris to wear something more casual, of course the clothes he had worn today are from Y/n's closet.

" I'll ask you this time, why do you have clothes that are more masculine ?" Paris asked as he straighten out the collar of his shirt, the outfit he wore was very much casual.

A simple black polo shirt with black jeans, and of course, white shoes. Y/n shrug her shoulders as she spoke to him.

" I like baggy clothes and besides, the boys section for clothes is literally the best. I mean come on !! You guys have more hoodies and sleeves than us, but that doesn't mean I don't like the girls section as well, I like both all in all."

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