•♥︎• Home run ! Chapter : Nineteen •♥︎•

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" This is unnecessary but I appreciate that you took your time to brush my hair."

" No probs. I'm also just bored."

His hairs' soft, well, he's also a puppet so yeah. Its been a couple weeks after the carnival and well, Paris and I got attach to each other. Still not bothering to step it up a notch, but we do share some affections, like holding hands or just leaning against each other.

As much as I say to myself that I'm affectionate, I came to realize that I don't really show it ?

Not in a bad way. In a way that's like " We're together and all but I know that you're not quite affectionate so I'll respect your decision but at the same time be sweet to you' type of way.

Humming along with the song from my mini speaker, I smiled when Paris close his eyes and lean his head slightly to the back, enjoying the small moment we have.

" I suppose I should get use to this as we are a couple ?" He said, highlighting the word 'couple' while his brow was raise. This snarky puppet.

I laugh and nodded. My fingers tuck a strand of his hair behind then continued to brush. Its nice to have someone like him around. The room was all silent. Just the two of us. Just the two of us, we could make it if we try- jk. 

"Lets watch a movie." Paris nodded, as I search through my laptop. I remember he told me about horror movies are his fav, so just searching through and decided to watch Chucky. I'm going to love his reaction. 



" Is this how you see me as.." His nose scrunch watching the movie while I wheeze at him. As much as I know many horror movies, I mainly wanted him to watch Chucky, so that he wouldn't feel alone. Aren't I such a darling ? 

The movie was ending until Paris exited the tab while I continue to die laughing. He hates me now and I know. He sigh and opened another tab. Its weird, I thought he wouldn't know how to use any electrical devices since you know- 1935 didn't have ANY advance technology like we are now.

I watch as he sigh and turned the laptop off, leaning his body against the wall. I smiled and teasingly poke his cheek. He smirk and poke mine. I poke his. He poke mine. I poke his. He poke a littler harder now.

He glared at me while I glared back. He poke again, I poke back. It was getting a bit harder and I know I went a little too hard since his eyes were now red.

The not red he usually has, the red that he changes when he's piss off. Yeah the type of red that wants u dead.

" Stop."


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•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now