•♥︎• So wanna play ? Chapter : Eleven •♥︎•

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" Y/n ?" 

" Hmm ?" 

She hum, watching as the door open and entered Yumi holding Paris by her right arm. Closing the door behind her, they glance at the puppet as he jump out of the albino's arms, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves. 

" Well," Yumi started, swaying her feet from front to back, her hands tugging down on the sleeves of her pajama's. 

" N-Nora wanted me to come with her tomorrow and since your busy, I was wondering if it's okay. I- uh, let Paris stay with you, so that he won't be bored when-" 

Blush dusted her cheeks as she cover her face with her hands, Y/n giggled and nodded. Closing the notebook she wrote a while ago, turning to look at Paris. The puppet sigh and shook his head, taking a sit down on the edge of the bed. 

" Well. I certainly don't need anyone to company me but I suppose since, dear Yumi suggested it, I could stay with you for a while."

" Admit it puppy. You're only doing this because Yumi use her ultra plus cuteness." 

He said nothing,  irritated by her words. It was true, the moment Yumi made eye contact with him, Paris couldn't say no. Makes him wonder if Yumi's manipulating him, whether she knows it or not. 

" Well. Since that's covered, I think you should brush your teeth Hun. I have something to talk about with Paris." 

Yumi nodded, curious but went out of the door, closing it behind as Y/n turn to Paris. His brow raise up in curiosity as well. Silence overwhelmed their conversation, she chuckled, nervously tapping her finger against the desk. 

" I hope you don't find this weird but like," His gaze focus on her, still curious about her words. " Do you know how to dance ?" 

" Excuse me." 

Paris glance at her, small dust of blush covered her cheeks, slightly embarrass but it had to be done. With a sigh, Y/n tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

" Well, throughout every school activities, I never got into anything related to dancing. So, you could say I'm bad at it. Not even prom, I was only there for food." 

She laugh, faintly remembering her prom night with her friends. He hum, covering his mouth to think. Noticing how there isn't anything he could do at the moment or tomorrow, Paris nodded his head. Standing up, he took out a hand for her to hold. 

" I suppose I could help you, but for now, let's see how light you are in your feet." 

" I literally said I'm bad at dancing, don't rub it in my face even more puppet." 

A chuckle escape his lips, turning away from her as Y/n hold his hand and stood up. 

" Well, personally I want to tease but this should do." 

Y/n roll her eyes and watch as Paris guided her hand on his left shoulder while the other hand on top of his, setting his foot a few ways away from the other. The two were now in a waltz position, nodding his head, he took a step back. In which Y/n took a step behind. 

" Follow my lead." 

Paris stated, already amuse by the step she took. Y/n chuckled and followed suit, the dance was.. 

•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now