•♥︎• It's new but it can work chapter : Twelve •♥︎•

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" So," she started, grinning as she slice through the enemy.

" I was wondering, you don't need sleep right ? What do you really do at night ?"

" Rest."

" So you're awake in that state, right ?"

He nodded, his focus still on the game. The distance between them had close, Y/n hunch back to focus even more as Paris drop the console on his lap, rolling his shoulder to ease an uncomfortable sense.

She pause the game, turning to look at him while mumble about how uncomfortable he is.

" Do you need a massage ?"

Shaking his head in dismiss, Paris twisted his arm, pulling until it tore off. Letting out a hum when he saw nothing was out of place, he glance over at Y/n who went silent.

A smile went up her face as she grab the arm out of his grasp, looking at it with admiration. He gave a weird look, clearly not use to it as dear Yumi gave the opposite reaction.

" Oh my gosh, I thought you couldn't take any part of your body off. You're just like a marionette when it's broken, right ? You know when it's broken, the limbs tore apart."

" I am a puppet, but still, give that back now."

" Wait can you move this arm even though it's not on your body."

The two went silent, sudden curiosity perk up in his mind as he took a quick glance at his arm then back at her, only he flinch when her face went a bit closer than before.

The smile on her face only widen, she step back and wave the separate arm.

" Come on ! Let's try."

" Physically saying, it won't move."

" Oh come on, it won't hurt to try !"

He let out a sigh, already knowing he couldn't get out of the situation he's in. So without a second thought, he tried his focus to move his separate arm. The two still in silence when nothing happened.

" Are you sure you're moving." Y/n asked, trying to stop her chuckles.

" Dear, I don't have any time for this."

Flustered by how embarrassing the situation had gotten, Paris grab hold of the separate arm as Y/n wheeze out a laugh. Her head back, arms holding tight on her stomach, a snort came out of her lips. Placing his arm back, Paris covered his face, still flustered.

But, despite the embarrassment, his lips quiver to a smile and soon various chuckles came out. This only made Y/n laugh even more. In their minds, they thought the same thing :

' This feels nice.'

Ignoring what happened, they continued to play. A small talk began between the two, until finally after an hour of playing, they stop and focus their attention to the conversation.

" - So you don't like roaches ?"

" Absolutely, it's not that I'm scared. I simply find it disgusting and carries too much germs."

•♥︎• Euphoria •♥︎• Paris x Reader •♥︎•Where stories live. Discover now