Chapter 75

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SURPRISE PART 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Picture of how Damon sees Will


William's P.O.V

I could tell before Julian even said a word that they weren't back yet.

For one, if they were, I would already be hovering off the floor while Damon hugged me so tight I'd be breathless. And secondly, Julian wouldn't just be sitting in the middle of the staircase looking so glum.

"They're okay," Julian says as he brings himself to his feet and descends the last few stairs, "I sent the patrol teams out again, just in case. They are fine, they said they'll be back tonight. I guess they're just enjoying being in their fur."

I nod at that even as a frustrated huff leaves me.

It was creeping into the afternoon and while I was ecstatic to hear that things between Damon and Aiden were going so well, I wanted him back.

"I'm starting to think maybe they're avoiding us," I joke and Julian smiles just a little.

"Maybe," he agrees.

"Perhaps we're bad mates?" I poke hoping to get something more out and it works.

Julian raises his chin and scoffs, "if anything, we're the better halves."

That gets a laugh and snort out of me and Julian chuckles too, his easing posture helping me to relax a bit more.

Julian was really nice, the sweetest in the family after Peter, and while he'd always been kind to me, there were times that I still felt on edge around him. 

Not because I didn't like him or anything, I just got the vibe that his kindest was like Damon's. Reserved specifically for those he loved, and I was just a little scared of what he was like against his enemies.

I got the impression that when Julian was really mad, he made everyone in this family look like monks.

"You can stay the night if you want," Julian offers hesitantly, "that is if they keep avoiding us and stay out longer. And of course, only if you feel comfortable being here with us. If not, that is perfectly okay William. I just thought it might be nice, to sleep with the family if they don't come back tonight. You can use Damon's room and bring the pets over... if you want"

Julian's nervous explosion only stops when he catches me smiling. 

Blurred as my sight was, when Julian looked down and rubbed his neck, I could see the heat rising up his neck and to his ears.

I might have just found the source of Damon's blushes.

"It's up to you," he finishes with a weak laugh that trampled on the rest of any nerves I felt surrounding Julian.

Even if Julian was a deadly force to others, he clearly didn't think of me as anything close to his enemy. Not if he was trying so hard to get me to feel comfortable.

"I would love to," I say honestly which makes him straighten like an excited puppy, though Julian was nothing like a puppy.


"Really," I confirm with a laugh, "and even if they do come back, I'd like to spend the rest of the time waiting with you. If that's okay. I think it would be nice to spend some time together."

That makes Julian smile so wide I thought he'd tear his lips apart. A high happy sound escapes him and he reaches for me before he quickly snaps his hands back and steps back three paces, "sorry! I am so sorry William! I di-"

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