Chapter 55

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Picture of Will, He is so cute I'm in shambles😢💕^

DOUBLE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you guys enjoy these chapters and all the steamy scenes that come with them. Please vote up as you go and COMMENT, I love comments so please comments if you can.

Okay, enjoy humansssss


Williams' P.O.V.

Everything felt so good.

Every touch, kiss and caress given to me was like a precious gift that made my body tremble from all the pleasure.

Pleasure, it was all I felt all the time and I loved it.

There were plenty of those heady moments where I could only think of having more of my mate, more of Damon. I wanted him inside of me, leaving his mark on me in whatever way he could. I wanted him to bite me and fuck me, to leave his cum inside of me and then do it all again.

There were times when that was all I could think about.

But those moments were fleeting with how he took care of me, making sure I was always satisfied and giving me, even more, when I wasn't. He never failed to make me feel like one whole sensitive bundle of nerves that reacted to him and only him.

My body and its pleasure belonged to Damon in every way, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Looking up, I suck in a shallow breath when my eyes find my mate's piercing, deep blues that had me focused in his sights. In the partially lit room, they seemed to glow even brighter than usual as Damon studied me intently.

The weight of his body pressing into mine made my heart race with the feeling of being dominated, and the need to be owned. His thick erection rubbed against my hole, teasing me painfully with the precum that ran down my crack, making me whine for him as I tried to get him inside of me.

Damon growls lowly, holding me firm and stopping all movements that weren't his own. His canines gleamed at me in a way that should've scared me but it only made my toes curl with anticipation.

I lean my head back into his touch and lick my lips hungrily when Damon slips his fingers into my hair, holding me in place for him, as he descends for a taste.

The moment his full lips brush over my own, I let myself moan for him, enjoying the rush of shockwaves that rippled beneath my skin from just the feel of our lips meeting.
The kiss was painfully slow and careful, but I enjoyed it all the same as our lips fell into a familiar caress, searching desperately for even more of each other.

Passing my tongue over the lengthy canines, I shiver happily when Damon growls once more and thrust his hips against me in response. I do it once more before I open my mouth for him and let our tongues meet in a fierce dance of lust.

Damon sucks on my tongue lewdly, the motion making my cock strain desperately to experience the same attention down there.

Reaching my hands up, I wrap my arms around Damon's shoulders tightly and lock my legs around his waist, caging every inch of him against me. Instinctively, he begins to rock, dragging that tempting cock against my hole while providing my dick with some much needed friction.

I meet his thrust steadily, rolling my hips just right to make us both moan into our kisses. Needing more, I pull him even closer to me, letting my nails drag across his skin and revelling in the way it made him groan above me.

"Damon," I moan against his lips as our hips move in a perfect rhythm, "fuck me."

The thrusts stop to my displeasure, but before I can protest, Damon pins my hands to either side of my head and kisses me fiercely.

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