Chapter 24

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Theo's P.O.V

I stare into the young bunny's eyes, catching shimmering reflections of myself in his wide curious eyes. I open my hands and step a little closer, moving in the least threatening way I could.

"Come here, Blazey," I whisper but that only makes the bunny stiffen before dashing under the bed, curling into the corner my hands couldn't reach.

It'd been his little home ever since I came forth and his owner went into hiding deep within the both of us.

Somehow the fluffy ball knew that I wasn't his owner, that I wasn't Damon. He avoided me at all costs unless I was feeding him, then all of a sudden he didn't mind my presence. But for the most part, he'd stare at me from across the small apartment, as if trying to understand how the guy he was looking at wasn't quite his owner.

Perhaps he sensed the wolf in me.

I think your pet misses you - I call out to Damon, hoping that the mention of his favorite animal would make that little flicker grow a little brighter.

But it doesn't.

As it hadn't for the past week, he hadn't said a word or come forth the way he should. He kept himself hidden within us locked himself into a hole deeper than I had the means to pull him from. The small pulsing buzz that felt like a ray of sunshine on my heart was the only sign of him, the only sign that he hadn't completely fractured under the unfortunate events.

Damon didn't deserve this.

He didn't deserve any of this, he was a good kid. He was caring, he showed that every day through his actions though they often went unnoticed because of the character he portrayed instead of the phenomenal man he'd grown to be. He had a heart that barely fit inside his chest, with so much love that'd been slowly snuffed out over the years. 

The violence, it'd become a wrecking force that yearned to make him something dark and unworthy. It wasn't who he was, not truly. He'd just been nurturing it more than any wolf should have, especially an alpha wolf. It didn't help that he'd grown up learning that violence equated to strength, a strength that'd help him protect those he cherished. Because that was all Damon ever wanted to do, protect them, though it didn't often translate in the manner it should've.

Now he was floating in above a deep, oceanic trench that threatened to swallow him whole. Dangling on a thin thread between becoming the person I knew he truly wanted to be and the one he was groomed to be, the one he'd learned to be. It was harder for him each day and my aid could only go so far, it was a battle he'd have to fight on his own.

William made that fight easier, essentially effortless with his presence.

When Damon was with William, he didn't feel those pieces of himself that made everything seem so dark all the time, he was light with joy. William made him better and not only Damon but myself as well. With Will, I knew he'd love me one day in the manner I already loved him. If he gave us the chance, I knew we could grow a beautiful relationship that would fit both of us.

That is, of course, if he took us back.

 I sigh angrily at the way things had unraveled at such a speed, leaving us both flayed open to feel the raw agony of being so distant from our mate. Things were going so well, so incredibly well, too well I suppose because when it crashed and broke I couldn't stop it. Not with the news of our family back home, the anxiety of not knowing their state adding to the turmoil.

Now things hurt from all sides and I only had a bunny who didn't like me to fend it off.

Keeping the anger down took its toll, every minute of every day I strained to control it. The need to hurt and make the emotional pain flow into a physical one was overwhelming, merciless with its demands and it weighed down on me. But I'd bare it for Damon, knowing he couldn't hold much more before it took him down.

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