Chapter 51

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Song - H.E.R, Comfortable

I recommend playing it throughout the entire chapter!!!!


Damon's P.O.V

The moment Will closes the door behind us, I turn and press his body against it, cutting off his small gasp of surprise with a kiss.

Will hums softly as I pin him to the door, my fingers tightening around each of his wrists to keep him in place while I kissed my way into his mouth.

A groan of pleasure escapes me when Will returns my love tenfold, giving him over to me as our lips move together.

I slip my tongue inside just as I slip my leg between his, forcing them apart so I could rub his erection with my thigh. Will rubs himself against my leg with a groan of pleasure that makes me shiver.

He tasted sweeter than usual, the blend of sorbets still lingering on his tongue and lips. I suck on it for a better taste and Will moans again.

Parting from his lips, I kiss at the corner of his lips before I make my way down his neck and jaw. Taking my time to lick away the wet droplets of rainwater from his smooth skin as they trickled down his frame one at a time.

"Oh god," Will moans as he rocks against me, tilting his head to the side to give my mouth more access.

Our bodies grind together as we search for more pleasure within one another, following the raw need for more as best as we can through the wet clothing that rested between us.

When my lips find the space meant for Will's mark, I slow my movements to press gentle, loving kisses to the sacred spot. My heart tightens in my chest with longing as subtle sparks bounce between us while I continue to worship the spot with kisses that made Will's entire body shiver while his heart rate jumped up a step.

"That feels so nice," Will whispers while his body bows into my own. "Why does that feel so good?"

"It's where I'm supposed to mark you," I remind him as I bite the skin lightly, only just holding back my canines. "I'm glad you like it."

Will's hips buck into mine from the feeling on my teeth on the sensitive area, "I love it," he corrects with an honest smile.

"Good," I comment as I pull away from the tempting spot that was tempting my canines to sink in.

I look down at Will's beautiful figure and take a moment to appreciate what Goddess gifted me with while my lungs forget how to work.

Will was completely drenched from head to toe just as I was, we'd been hit so hard by the rain that there was a small puddle of water collecting beneath the two of us. While most of his hair was brushed back, there were a few strands that stuck to his face that was red with colour.

I let my eyes take in the full image of him, sticking for a moment at his prominent erection that pressed against his thigh within his denim jeans.
His jeans were already tight to begin with, but with the rainwater plastering them to him, they outlined his cock perfectly now, teasing my imagination with a clothed glimpse of his most tempting package.

"You look like you're contemplating eating me," Will says making me lift my eyes to meet his.

"Maybe I am," I reply while I raise hands above his head. Will's eyes widen considerably at the implication as I hold his wrists with one hand before I let the other trail down his body. "I think I'm ready."

"A-Are you sure," Will asks hesitantly, the doubt in his eyes entirely visible.

Will and I had been together for a relatively long time now and yet we hadn't done much beyond blowjobs and handjobs, the pace we were moving at was almost unbelievable for a werewolf but I honestly hadn't noticed it much.

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