Chapter 27

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William's P.O.V

A werewolf, Damon was a werewolf.

I was about eighty-seven percent sure that I was asleep right now, that being the only reason that I hadn't let myself freak out the way I had wanted to when Damon's normal teeth suddenly got freakishly long and pointy.

So if I was asleep, then there was no need to freak out because this was simply a dream... I think.

I wasn't entirely sure. It couldn't possibly be real, not when he was claiming to be anything other than human because that was... crazy. Because if Damon really was what he was saying he was then that changed everything.

Not between us, this changed nothing between us as far as I was concerned.

But it changed everything else, changed the entire outside world. It made me wonder who else were werewolves out there, who I'd come across before assuming to be human but turning out to be anything but. It also meant that there may have been other supernatural creatures out there like vampires had to exist as well, right? And who's to say wizards didn't too.

Perhaps Harry Potter was based off a true story.

It just couldn't be real, he couldn't be serious. Yet my mind was trying to convince me that it all had to be my eyes, my stupid eyes but he hadn't shown me a hidden camera yet and screamed prank. And Damon wasn't the type to play around like this, for other things sure, but not in this fashion.

He was a werewolf.

 "Who says there's more to share?" Damon challenges, raising a brow to challenge my previous statement.

"Do I have to start calling you Alexander?" I ask in response making him laugh. 

That laughed tamed a little of the panic that was trying to settle its way into my lungs because I knew that laugh, it was familiar. Damon had many different laughs for different occasions, there was the one that came with a snort when I said something he found ridiculous, the little giggle that came whenever I fell over and the roaring laughter that came when something not nearly funny enough to warrant such a response came about. 

But I knew this laugh well because it was the little chuckle Damon made when he was comfortable, happy. I knew it because it always made me feel the same, happy and comfortable because I reminded me that I was safe with him.  

So werewolf or not, he was still my Damon.

"Okay, you've got me," Damon admits, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. "I'm just afraid of how you're going to react."

"Can't be any worse than you being a werewolf can it?" I tease with a small chuckle that quickly fell when I heard my own words. It was starting to feel less like a dream and more like reality the longer this carried on.

Damon offers me a gentle smile that seemed to be more for him than for me. He runs a hair through his tousled hair that was flopping all over today and released a heavy breath.

"I'm not going to dump everything on you today because it would be too overwhelming and I'm also pretty sure you're in a state of shock," Damon says making me nod my agreement. "So I'll tell you the important parts now and you can decide after if you want to know more after, and if you still want to be with me."

I feel my eyebrows pull together at this, confusion sweeping over me at his words alongside a bit of fear. What could he possibly say that would make me not want to be with him?

"I'll listen to the end," I say firmly, repeating the words I'd promised him early and meaning them just as much as I did before. Damon smiles at this, eyes holding mine for a long moment as he studies my face before carrying on.

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