Chapter 18

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Picture of Blaze


Damon's P.O.V

I am going on a date with my mate.

I sink my teeth into my wrist to stifle my groan of joy that slips past my lips. I close my eyes, letting my head rest against my door as my chest thumps uncontrollably within my chest. 

I look down when I feel something heavy on my foot, smiling easily when I see that it's Blaze. I bend down, sweeping him up in my grasp before moving further into my apartment, my movements sliding from side to side as I wiggle him in my hands.

"I'm going on a date," I tell Blaze who's ears immediately perk up at my words. "It's a date, I promise." Blaze's eyes widen as if feeling equal joy at the prospect of it. 

I set Blaze down on my bed and struggle to strip with speed. The second my boxers hit the floor, I'm in the shower and letting the cold water drown me in its chill.

I didn't really need to take a shower since I had this morning, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure I was perfectly clean. Will may not have a thing for scents like wolves, but I still prided myself on always smelling presentable.

I still couldn't believe we were going on a date. When Will called me out on my shitty attempt to be subtle, I basically swallowed my tongue in surprise. I thought I heard wrong or imagined it, but I hadn't and that shit almost took me out. 

It wasn't that I didn't want to go out with Will, I was the one who brought it up. It was more that my body couldn't take the possibility of transitioning from a friendly relationship to a more involved one. It was a mixture of happiness and terror if I was being honest. 

For one, every inch of me was more than pleased to take a step closer to strengthen our bond as mates. It meant I could, with time and his permission, follow my urges and stop spending most of my time trying to fight it. It meant we could deepen what we were meant to be, the thought alone brought irreplaceable pleasure pumping its way through my veins.

But on the other side, in deepening shit meant that I found myself deeper in shit I wasn't prepared for. I still shivered uncomfortably at the thought of another guy's package, still felt misplaced when considering mating him. I was cool with kissing him, or thinking about it. But I wanted to, I knew that much. I just needed a bit more time, for us to keep taking things slow like we've been doing.

I hope.

I don't waste any time finishing up on my shower, drying myself briefly before wrapping a towel loosely around my waist. I run through the small space, hair still dripping wet as I looked at the clock for the time. I still had twenty minutes before Will and I would meet like we'd agreed earlier.

I pick up my unpacked duffles and dump them on my bed, burying Blaze in his own little makeshift version of heaven I knew he loved. I pick up various shirts, looking at them before throwing them down with disapproval.

That plaid one always looks nice on you - Theo peeps up when I hold the black and grey shirt up, I growl at it and throw it down. Or not...

It's not usually this hard - I complain, confused at my mind's inability to make a simple decision like what shirt I'd wear.

You don't usually care - Theo offers, the smile clear to his voice but I could hear a spec of pride as well.

Well nobody was ever Will - I reply in agreement.

It made sense in an obvious way that I wanted to please Will, even with something so mundane.

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