Chapter 12

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Damon's P.O.V


Patience was something I'd always lacked when dealing with humans, well really any other living thing which wasn't my family or Blaze. It was stupid and pissed me off when my talons usually got the point across much faster. To be suddenly practicing it, at such an extreme level, was fucking hard. 

I was quickly learning that patience was not a virtue I possessed and trying to practice it with Will was driving me absolutely crazy. I look across at my mate who was sitting innocently by the table, looking out the window with a longing gaze. 

He had absolutely no clue what hell I was going through.

For one, I had to refrain from grilling him about what happened last night, about what led to him being in the state I'd found him in.

He was so damn jumpy that I knew even if I hinted at it, he'd bolt. He'd probably run faster if I tried asking about the crying, the walls weren't necessarily thin so it'd just set off alarm bells.

Then there was the no-touching thing, it shouldn't have pissed me off as much as it did. But fuck it bothered me to not be able to even brush my skin 'accidentally' against his own.

So I just had to be patient. It went against every bone in my body to stay a safe distance from his while act as if nothing happened when shit fucking happened.

It was straight-up torture.

Somehow, not being able to just know what happened hurt me more than that one fight I had with me against twenty rogues. And that fucking torture went hand in hand with the confusion which spread through me at being mated to a male human. Just the thought of it made me cringe uncomfortably.

I look back at him with another frown, somehow expecting for him to magically became female. Yet my heart still thumped at the sight of him, a stream of electricity rocketing through me as my eyes study him. He seriously was gorgeous, that much was undeniable. I knew it wasn't just him being my mate, that helped yeah, but he was indisputably beautiful.

I pull my eyes away once more, gritting my teeth to bite back a groan as my mind swirled with confusion. It made my skin crawl to think of him in an intimate way, yet my instincts urged me to.

It was a big blend of different emotions that left behind a shitstorm.

Just give it time Damon - Theo whispers supportively. Give yourself some time and let things work themselves out naturally. You'll adjust, trust me. Soon enough it won't matter to you in the slightest. 

I'm having a hard time believing that - I reply as I sneak another glance at William, he was too zoned out to even ask about the food.

I know but if it helps, you're handling this very well - Theo says eagerly and I can't help but smile a little at his joy. 

And you? - I ask, checking in on him. 

Oh, I'm fine. I'm just happy for you - He answers, his voice testifying in favor of his words. Now go before he notices you're doing nothing.

With that Theo fades away leaving me feeling a little better but with worries that still surfaced for him.

Theo had made it abundantly clear to me the moment we'd met that he believed himself to be 'chaste'.

He did not want to experience or even try anything sexual in life and when I'd asked him about a mate, he'd simply said that there were other ways to show someone your love.

I'd always brushed it off, thinking that all that bullshit would go out the window the moment he met his other half. But now, suddenly, it made a whole lot more sense seeing as William was a human and he didn't necessarily have his own other half.

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