Chapter 10

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Damon's P.O.V

I wake up much later than I'm used to but don't make any attempt of going back to sleep.

I'd been slipping in and out of consciousness the entire day, an attempt at riding out my birthday for as long as possible. A plan that'd been successful up to this exact moment.

I peek one eye open to look at Blaze. He'd tucked himself under one of my arms while I'd fallen asleep and followed my lead, sleeping peacefully in my hold. I close my eyes as I pull myself a little closer to him, letting myself shamefully enjoy his warmth and company.

I made sure to thank Goddess whenever I remembered for sending Blaze to me. I didn't go looking for him, it's not like if I ever wanted a bunny. I didn't have the disturbing obsession Peter had with them.

Blaze had followed Peter and I home after I helped Peter find Mr.Fluff. I'd heard him hopping the whole way behind us and when Peter went inside, I went to go investigate.

There, behind a large arrangement of recently chopped bushes, was Blaze. Black fur camouflaging him from the naked eye under the night sky, his eyes big and curious as he looked up at me. I knew Blaze didn't follow me like animals usually did, after all, he was the bunny from his colony that came as far as the house. Blaze just seemed to like me and I couldn't stop myself from picking him up and taking him inside.

Before I knew it, I'd named him and he'd become my own little obsession I wasn't willing to let go.

As if sensing my thoughts, he wakes up slowly and stares straight back at me. He watches me for a moment before getting off the bed and going off to live his life in the confines of this apartment.

I decided to follow Blaze's lead and get up. One glance out the window told me it was night time, I'd basically slept the whole day and I was pleased with that. I'd fallen asleep in the same clothes I'd worn yesterday, my favorite knife still tucked into the small at the back of my belt.

I check my phone out of habit, rubbing the sleep from my eyes when I remember that it's dead. I hold it for a moment, trying to decide between charging it or leaving it as it was.

You need time Damon - Theo inputs, his voice as kind as always. Time on your own, away from the pack.

I don't want to be away from the pack - I reply honestly as I stare at the blank device.

It's what you need right now - Theo confirms with encouragement.

Theo was right, I knew that much, but putting away the only connection I had to what had only two days ago been my entire life was not as simple as he made it seem.

You're not throwing it away, just putting it aside until you're ready - Theo nudges once more and that helps more than it should. I could charge it and call, whenever I was ready or wanted to. It would always be there.

I open the empty drawer of my nightstand and place my phone in, shutting it slowly before taking a step back.

I felt as if I'd closed a door of some kind, but in a way that made guilt build, I also felt relieved because of it. It hurt to detach myself with such ease, but it eased my mind to know that I was taking a step away from the constant condemnation.

It was a tortuous type of freedom.

I stretch my limbs and rub at my nose, a sweet smell barely brushing at it making me hum with contentment.

I make my way to the kitchen, scratching at my chin as I pull out a glass, rinsing it before filling it with drinking water. I gulp down three glasses worth before the scent teases at my nose again.

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