William's P.O.V
"That'll be fifteen seventy five." I say after checking the attached screen to the cashier. The numbers came up big and bold everytime thanks to Blue, there was no way I could mistake it.
The person hands me a twenty and I make it through putting it through the machine and giving him the right change back. Blue had labeled the spaces for the bills, making this task essentially effortless.
I do a little dance the minute the door closes behind the customer, jumping happily at making it through my fifth sale without fucking it up.
I'd only been working at Blue's for a few days but it'd been easy so far, just like he said. He'd made working here a safe haven for me, somewhere were I felt normal and independent.
I slip into the back room to label the box of records that came in with their prices. I grab the label gun and press away, Blue had preset the prices this morning for me knowing they were too small for me.
I worried sometimes that these tedious little tasks Blue had to do for me to work here was more trouble than doing it himself. He was quick to shut that thought down when I voiced it to him, telling me that I was the angel his wife was praying for.
I wasn't the only one loving it here, Sassy was obsessed with the store. Well the backyard more than the store itself, I left the back door open at all times allowing her to go out whenever she wanted to. I tried to get here a little earlier than opening time so that I could play fetch with her.
By the time we left at three in the afternoon, we were both exhausted and enjoyed dinner with a show running in the background. Not that either of us paid much attention to it, I sort of just ate lazily before dragging myself into bed.
Today was supposed to be no different, but when did things ever go to plan.
The sound of the store phone grasps my full attention within an instant, I drop the label gun before going back to the counter where the phone sat underneath the register. My hand hovers over the phone as I contemplate how to answer it in the best possible way.
"Hello, how are you?" No, that's a little personal right.
"William speaking," Why the hell would I give them my name.
I grab the phone afraid they'd hang up and cross my fingers for the best.
"Blue's, how may I help you?" I say into the phone with more politeness and kindness in my tone than I could ever muster up in person.
"Is this how you're answering my phone?" Blue's heavy voice rasps in response. My shoulder sag and I slip into the comfortable chair in wait. "Not bad kid."
"Thanks," I reply as I twirl the curly cord between my fingers, wrapping it enough times to cut off the circulation there.
"Something's come up, I'll be a little late to close the shop." He says, the hesitance in his voice clear as day.
Panic is the first to knock on my door. A little late, what counts as a little late? If he's not here by six and it gets dark, I'd be stuck outside at night. I couldn't be outside at night.
"I know you need to get back before it gets dark, I'll be there way before." Blue continues, sympathy shining through his tone. I almost want to tell him it's fine and that I'd close up shop today, but I was a selfish person. I didn't want to risk not making it home when I could avoid it.
"Okay," I reply instead of voicing my stresses.
I usually left at three, the sun went down after six. A little late couldn't possibly mean three hours, and besides, I lived less than ten minutes away. I knew the route by heart now, I should be fine with my phone's flashlight. I even had Sassy, I didn't have to worry about anything.

RomanceBook 2: The Fated Chronicles Will doesn't trust anyone. Doesn't let them in because he doesn't want to get hurt again, he can't afford to. Will is lost, he's been through too much to not be. Will doesn't know what he's doing, besides trying to make...