Picture of Damon - THIS IS AIDEN'S CHILD!!!!!! lool
play song when told please
Damon's P.O.V
"Have you done this before?"
"No," Will replies honestly. "But I'm very excited to try."
"Ya know, your excitement doesn't really make up for the fact that you've never done this before," I say with a frown as I turn to look at Will who was purposefully mixing the dye in a little bowl.
"I'm dying your roots black Damon. Realistically, there is very little room for me to mess this up," Will states confidently as he glances up at me for only a moment.
"Realistically, I can see you messing this up," I press on. I only wanted to tease my human, ease his mind as best as I could, but Will was too focused on getting this whole thing right to pick up on that so he replied seriously.
"I won't mess it up, and I'm willing to take the chance since it's long past time you dealt with those roots," Will states with a little nod to affirm his words, "it's just a mess of blonde and black up there, and I'm going to fix it. So you be quiet and think of this as an early birthday to me."
I let a few lonely seconds pass before I raise a hand before saying, "but it's my hair t-"
"Damon," Will cuts me off with a frustrated huff as he turns to give me his most menacing glare.
With his eyes on me and the previously, building tension gone, I smile and lift my hands in surrender, "Okay, I'll be quiet," I promise. With Will's eyes still on me, I make a motion of zipping my lips and locking it, I throw him the invisible key and he catches it with ease. Will stuffs it into his pocket and narrows his eyes threateningly before he goes back to mixing the bowl of dye.
Smiling to myself, I fix the towel draped over my shoulders and try my best to keep my mouth shut now.
From the first time I'd dyed my hair, I'd just picked up a few random boxes of black hair-dye in a mini-mart and kind of figured it out in my bathroom at home.
I'd planned to do that again today, but Will protested that I was damaging my hair by using bad quality products.I didn't fight him on it as he pulled us into a fancy, hair salon this afternoon and bought a bunch of overpriced shit that wasn't worth all the money to me. Usually I'd tease him about it, maybe put up and fight, but it didn't seem right to today, especially after that breakfast we'd had with his parents.
Will's parents were assholes to put it very nicely. His mother was a straight-up cunt and his father was a lying bastard who deserved to have his head ripped from his body. They were a sick, twisted pair that I wanted to throw off a very high cliff.
And somehow, those two visions of pure evil had made Will.
Will, the affectionate, brilliant human I was lucky enough to call my mate. The man who got angry on behalf of wolves he'd never met and the man who was kind to everyone he met. That pair had made him, and somehow he'd managed to come out still good inside after growing up under their deserted roof.
Though on the outside, he was still covered in fractures...
After the weird breakfast, we'd spent the afternoon in the city, enjoying what San Francisco had to offer in every way we could. Will took me to every place he could think of; his former high school, his favourite music store, his favourite snacking spot and even the pet store he'd gotten Sassy from - a stop I want to note I didn't want to make.

RomanceBook 2: The Fated Chronicles Will doesn't trust anyone. Doesn't let them in because he doesn't want to get hurt again, he can't afford to. Will is lost, he's been through too much to not be. Will doesn't know what he's doing, besides trying to make...