Chapter 76

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SURPRISE PART 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Damon's P.O.V

"Now, if you're further away from your target, the forward grip is the best bet," I say as I take my stance and settle my thumb on the handle, turning for everyone to see. "It's a little quicker and it allows you to reach them with more speed and strength than if you tried the reverse grip."

The group in my training session watch me closely before they try mirroring my actions, their eyes focused on me as they took their stances and raised their blades.

"You will all drift to different types of blades and knives with time so the length will be a factor. But all of you should keep your feet light and your body solid," I say as I gesture to my stomach and upper back, "your attacks should be swift, but hold power in each one."

Stepping forward, I bounce on my feet before I demonstrate a line of swings and cuts with my trailing point in hand. I move fast, pressing forward against my imaginary enemy as if I was slicing them open from their abdomen and their inner arms.

The jet black knife had a small, sharp blade that I'd curved at the tip to increase its damage. Even though it was a nice blade it was nowhere close to my go-to knife. But these were still beginners, so a smaller knife was a better starting point.

"Go for vital points," I remind while I slide around my opponent on my knees and slice what I imagined would be the back of their knees, "when using knives you want to make the enemy immobile so you can handle them after."

Getting to my feet, I turn to everyone while I twirl my knife between my fingers, "any questions?"

When they all stare at me wide-eyed and stiff, I offer them the smile Will said I should to make people relax. 

I didn't think I had a nice smile. I thought it was a bit strange actually, but Will loved my smile, he said it would brighten anyone's day if I showed it to them, so I was trying. 

Today was my sixth class for training others to use my knives specifically and even though there was a list of people waiting to join them, it still surprised me every time I walked into the training room and found them all waiting for me.

I'd thought some people might sign up then get scared and bail, and some had in the first session, but not as much as I thought. 

The first session had been hard to start with. Everyone was a little wary of me but I understood why so I didn't let myself get angry about it or bothered. I had a reputation to fix and I was the only person who could do that. 

So even when people were annoyingly clumsy and dropped my knives or asked me the most stupid questions, I didn't let my frustrations peak. Instead, I took a moment to cool down by reminding myself that they were pack and that they were here to learn from me.

It was an alpha's job to lead their pack, and if I was going to be a good alpha one day, I needed to have the patience to lead them here.

Reminding myself of that made it easier for me to be patient with them, understanding too. After the fourth class, very little upset me quickly or genuinely drove me to anger. It was mostly smooth sailings.

And I guess that news spread because more people showed up to every session and the waiting list kept growing. Now, we were in one of the biggest training rooms in the armoury to house the near fifty people I was training today.

Someone raises their hand and I raise my chin at them, gesturing for them to speak. 

"Using a knife requires speed and precision," he starts and I nod, "what if we have neither of those things?"

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