Chapter 1

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Picture of Damon - changed him from long, blonde hair 😁


Damon's P.O.V.

I don't understand humans.

Don't get their morals, don't get the way they think. I don't get their abundant stupidity.

They are so fucking stupid.

I let my gaze return to the old man who is still shouting at me, one fat finger pointed in my direction while he tries to 'put me in my place'.

I zone out. Amelia claims I do that a lot, sometimes too much.

It was something I mastered as a kid. If I don't and allow myself to actually listen to people, I get angry. The anger caused by the bullshit people usually spew on a day-to-day basis.

So I zone out, for their own safety.

I look across at Peter who was sitting next to me, in a wooden, office chair identical to my own. He was crying. Peter was always fucking crying. I don't understand how it's possible to cry this much, to still have so many tears in such a tiny body.

A tiny body that is now covered in bruises. The guy didn't get his face, but he pretty much pummeled every inch of his body with his fists. He would heal, but it took longer for omegas to heal than the average wolf and Peter was more fragile than a typical omega.

I am going to kill the bastard.

No, you're not - Theo inputs, his voice light, and kind.

I really am - I argue and he laughs.

You are not going to kill him, you know we can't - He says and continues before I can argue back. You can beat him up, scar him for life, both physically and emotionally, but no killing him. 

I groan internally because I knew deep down that Theo was right. I couldn't kill him.

Ha - He pokes but I ignore him.

For one, he was human and when one of those went missing, the others often looked for them. Secondly, I'd already killed my quota of humans for the year, if dad found out I exceeded it, I'd be the next to end up dead.

So the guy was going to live to see another day. But that didn't stop me from wanting to see the guy choke on his own blood or revel in the feeling of me pulling his eyes from their sockets. My mind was running wild with all the things I could do to the bastard and it was hard to know that I couldn't go through with any of them.

Hard to sit here in a dusty room with an annoying human and a crying Peter and know that I couldn't kill anyone after.

I look back at said human and sigh, forcing myself to actually listen to what he's saying for a moment.

"This school has given you abundant opportunities Mr.Calderon." He spits and it takes everything in me not to rip his tongue out. "The next time you get in an altercation with another student, it will be the last time."

"There wouldn't be any 'altercations' if you actually did your job." I reply in through clenched teeth. "If you stopped people from bullying my brother, then I wouldn't have to step in. Look at him!"

He begins spluttering a whole bunch of nonsense I really didn't have the time for. So I stand and offer a hand for Peter, he doesn't hesitate to take it and I quickly pull him to his feet. I grab our bags from the floor and walk us out the stingy office, leaving the old man to yell at himself.

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