Chapter 69

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Warning: The following programme includes scenes of sex between a human and a werewolf, proceed with caution.


Okay, I'm calm. You're calm. We're calm. It's calm.

Enjoy the programme


Damon's P.O.V

"A bird!" Hagen shouts desperately. 

Will claps his hands, his eyes almost exploding in their sockets as he nods his head furiously.

I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud, but it was really fucking hard not to when my old man was wheezing right beside me, rocking back and forth with his amusement.

Will ignores us, his full attention on his Charades partner.

With the word bird identified, Will stops flapping his arms and tucks them up into him like wings. Going up on his tippy toes, he holds the pose for a moment before he dives down in the best imitation of a predator he could manage.

That sends me over the edge.

I bark a laugh as I roll on my side, Pops slaps to my back only making the whole thing worse.

"Damon," dad hisses in a warning despite the fact he was biting his lip hard.

We were all competitive in this family and it was no different when it came to simple family games. In charades, dad hated it if we were anything but quiet when someone else was playing. I could usually follow that rule without any problem, but seeing my mate running around, pretending to be a bird, that was fucking hysterical.

"A-An eagle!" Hagen guesses but Will shakes his head, "A... shit, um, a falcon?!"

Will shakes his head again, glancing at the timer that only had a few seconds left.

"Those are the only birds I got," Hagen admits as he sags back into the couch in defeat. 

He immediately straightens himself when Will pierces him with a glare that said he'd fucking kill him if they didn't get this.

Something I discovered today, my little human was just as competitive as the rest of us.

With Hagen back in the game, Will goes back to his best demonstration of a bird, running around the living room with a piercing gaze that completely went over Hagen's head. But it was okay since it had the rest of us dying with laughter, even Peter had to lift his book up to muffle his giggles.

"You didn't tell me your mate was an avian shifter," Pops whispers in my ear, his joke so fucking stupid that it was somehow funny. 

I shove him away from me, trying to keep myself together. But when he watched me straight in my eyes, clearly trying to make me laugh, it was a useless fight.

Sometimes I really hated this asshole.

As a last attempt, Will snatches Peter's book from him and opens it on a random page. He scans the pages furiously with his eyes and points to Hagen before going back to his weird diving bird act. 

"Oh! Ohh! Uhhh!" Hagen shouts as he shifts to the end of the couch before jumping up to his feet. Will stops to stare at him, his eyes pleading, "A hawk? You're a fucking hawk!" Hagen cries out desperately just before the timer goes off.

"Yes! Yes!" Will cries out as he jumps up and down while Hagen cheers happily. 

"How was that a hawk?" Josey asks as she gets up to add the point to the scoreboard. 

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