Chapter 57

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I'm very sad to say that this chapter does not have the sex it should because of its number.

Chapter 57 and no crazy sex, I'm ashamed and I'm sorry.


William's P.O.V

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I glance over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't disturbing Damon while I squeezed my feet into my sneakers. He didn't move an inch, his face remaining perfectly smooshed into his pillow with only the top half of his broad back peeking out from under the covers, where the rest of him laid spread out like a starfish.

When I've successfully managed to put on my already tied shoes, I head to the dresser to write out a note for him on a stray piece of paper in the unlikely case that he woke up before I got back.


I've gone to get Blaze and Sassy, do not panic. I'm fine. Call me before you run out after me half-naked.

Love you,

The lines, like always, were slanted but the words were far enough apart for them to be legible. I look around for a spot to leave it before deciding the front door was probably the best place to leave it for a frantic Damon who woke up alone.

I pick up my favourite black coat which may or may not have actually belonged to my sleeping beauty, and shrug it on before I lean down to press a kiss to his shoulder that I hoped wouldn't wake him.

"I'll be back before you know it," I promise softly.

Damon doesn't stir in the slightest, his heavy snores continuing steadily as I slip out of our bedroom, closing the door gently behind me. I swipe my keys and phone from the counter, pocket them and head for the door. I pin the note to the centre of the door, making sure the pin was in properly before I take a deep breath and leave our suite.

As I wait for the elevator, I try my best to focus my thoughts on literally anything other than the fact that this was the first time I was going anywhere in the pack without Damon. We'd been here for more than two months and every outing I'd taken had included Damon right by my side. 

Damon was always there to protect me, what if...

No. No. No. Let's not go down there. 

In an effort to shake off the mental shackles of my deep-rooted anxiety that was valiantly trying to make a comeback, I force myself to think about why I was doing this in the first place.

This was for Damon.

The heat had come to a complete end just two days prior and the moment Damon was certain that it was all over, he knocked out. Knocked out like a boxer does when they take a sucker punch to the skull and fall to the ground, except Damon did manage to get to the bed before collapsing.

He'd woken only to use the bathroom and drink greedy gulps of water from the tap, beyond that, it was nothing but constant sleeping and loud snoring from him. Which I didn't mind in the slightest, it was physically impossible to with all he'd done for us these last two weeks. They'd been entirely hellish for him but he'd pushed through it, for all of us. 

So if anyone ever dared to question Damon's love for me, I wouldn't hesitate to provide them with a new nose, free of charge.

Damon deserved to sleep it off, snoring and all, and he most certainly deserved so much more than undisturbed nap time. Which was exactly why I was getting the pets as part of a nice morning - well rather afternoon now - surprise for him.

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