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Hey humansssssssssss,

I know most of you are probably punching the air cause you thought this was the final chapter. I'm sorry about that, it'll be out soon!!!!

Before I uploaded it, I just needed to make it exponentially clear that if you are going to reread this book or any of the other books in the series, NO SPOILING.

NO FUCKING SPOILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm serious because Delicate is my baby, it took so long to write and I am soooo proud of it, but 
I don't want anybody's future experience reading it to be ruined.

Think back to the first time you read Delicate and all the emotions you had for it, that's exactly what I want every new reader to feel.

So please, for the love of God, do not be a dickhead and spoil things in the comments of any of my books.

- Do not talk about Will's past/trauma

- Do not put #rr when you know its foreshadowing and will cause a fucking spoiler

- Do not argue with people who think Damon is a dick in Rogue with reasons you could only have from reading Delicate 

i.e - in that scene where Aiden says Damon wanted to kill kids to Levi, don't go there explaining exactly why he didn't - leave that for Delicate please!

You are not a time-traveller, leave people to have their thoughts and opinions.

If you want to talk about things you understand better while rereading with other rereaders, do what a lot of you are already doing by putting the #rr before going a few spaces down and talking your shit.

By doing that, new readers know that clicking on your comment will be a spoiler and will choose that themselves. And you rereaders, can sob about what you know now.

Basically, in the end, all I'm asking for is that you let new readers enjoy the experience of the book in full by not spoiling.


Alright, Chapter 80 will be up soon. 

Thank you,

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