Chapter 15

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William's P.O.V

I push the back door to the small yard space behind Blue's, just wide enough to sneak a glance at Damon.

Kindling foolish disappointment, I find his back faced towards me blocking me from even a blurred view of his face. He was squatted to the floor, his body placed only a few inches in front of Sassy's. 

Sassy sat perfectly still, seemingly staring him down the same way he appeared to be staring at her. I was too far to know if he was speaking to her but if he was, she seemed completely unphased with her front legs holding her up tall. 

I bite my lip to capture a laugh and let the door close gently behind me as I made my way back to the forefront of the shop.

When google responds to my quick question, informing me I had another half hour before I could close up the shop, I slump back into the chair, letting my fingers caress my bottom lip as my mind works overtime with a desperate need for answers.

I had actually told him about my eyes.

Something so simple seemed monumental in my mind as I let the memory spill over in my mind. I'd actually gone and told him about one of the many pieces of me that made me so weak, admitted my greatest fault to a relative stranger.

Yet, Damon didn't give a single damn.

At least he didn't appear to, he seemed unphased and unbothered. Two things that seemed to be his general attitude from what I could see. Somehow he quelled my greatest fears to nothing more than a stupid worry that seemed foolish now to have received such a large amount of energy hiding.

Damon didn't act any different. He, in fact, brushed off the matter as if it was nothing, somehow sensing my need for him to do just that. I couldn't see his facial expressions to know if I was right but I could tell he wanted to ask more, but he held back. Held himself back and carried on, asking me when I was finishing up here and then if he could stay with me when I told him it was soon. 

I felt almost guilty now, for even thinking that Damon would react any differently than he had. Somehow annoying yet comforting, wrapped together in a warmth that made me smile. He seemed to have that effect on me, making me feel light and comfortable in a manner I hadn't experienced in months. 

But there was no way for me to know that, there was still so much about Damon I didn't know. Too much for me to completely follow my instincts to trust him where I couldn't trust anyone else and discount the way experienced argued against that.

I'd still told him and ever let my eyes fill with tears when I couldn't control the way my heart sang at his somewhat innocent reaction.

I release a strained groan at the memory, burying my face in my hands while I spun in the familiar chair. My groan only loudens when my heart sings at the thought of him in such a lovely light. He made me vulnerable, made me want to try to trust when I knew I shouldn't. He, in some way, embodied everything I needed in my life at this very moment. Which made no sense seeing how I only spoke to him on a number of occasions, but it was true.

God, he made my mind spin without even trying.

"Is this what you do for a job?" Damon's voice asks so close and sudden that I basically leaped from my chair, before settling with a raising heart. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He says as he circles to the opposite side of the counter to put some space between us, knowing I needed it.

"It's okay," I say through my labored pants before letting my eyes sneak up to take him all in and God Almighty if he didn't make my heart beat a little faster.

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