Epilogue 1

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Three Years Later


Drums of the Horde by Filip Lackovic
Wrote the first half of this chapter with this song on repeat for those of you who like music


Damon's P.O.V

The heavy fall of sticks on drums has my heart slamming against my chest hard, not from fear, never from fear, only anticipation.

I'd waited a long time for this day to come.

Bringing myself to my feet, I breathe in deep before I jump over the ancient stone walls and land in the dry dirt of the open arena.

Cheers erupt from all around the moment I'm exposed to the scorching sunlight and the crowd's greedy eyes.

Their screams rattle my bones like the drums' vibrations, making the earth below my feet feel alive in a strange way that I welcomed, heart and soul.

My lips curl upwards as I straighten to my full height and look around the packed arena, taking in all the barely contained people who had come from all ends of the supernatural world to watch.

Never in my life had I seen this place so full.

There were creatures of all kinds stacked upon one another; warlocks, pixies, incubi, vampires and more, all on their feet and stomping in unison to match the beat of the drum.

Some screamed demands for the final match to start while others placed their bets on who would win.

The answer was obvious to me.

An annoying roar sounds behind me, forcing me to drag my gaze from the spectators and settle them on my opponent who raged on the other side of the ring.

Rouffe Grey.

I watch blankly as the alpha riles up his pack members, pacing back and forth in front of them while he beat his fist against his open chest like a silly ape.

Rouffe Grey was all muscle and power. With a height I'd guess was over 200 centimetres, the fucker was built like a bear, not a damn alpha, but that was okay.

I liked making the big ones fall.

As if feeling my eyes on him, Grey turns my way with a way-too confident smirk that he'd be losing shortly.
When our eyes meet, his eyes glow and he bares his teeth at me, snarling in what was probably meant to be a threat.

I fight back a yawn, that would be disrespectful and image was everything here.

Isn't it cute when they do that? - Theo growls as he paces, both amused and enraged by the blatant disrespect - He actually thinks he's going to win this.

Almost everyone did. From what I could pick up from the crowd, all bets were pointing towards Grey winning, not me.

It was a little funny.


I turn my gaze away from the delusional corpse and look up at my mate.

Will grins down at me from the overhang, his clear blue eyes carrying so much excitement that it made our bond flare between us.

I take a moment to look at my mate and struggle to keep my pleasured groan down.

Years in a werewolf pack gave Will muscles that had changed him from my little human to one sexy as fuck human.
He'd taken his training with me seriously and it showed. It showed everywhere.

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