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I know, it's been a while since I updated Delicate, but I'm back now so yay!

I don't have a song to go with this extra, but I did have cellophane by FKA twigs on loop while writing it. So if you want something to play softly in the background, that's my suggestion.

^ I'm putting it I'm aswell for those who can't access songs when its attached to the chapter


Julian's P.O.V

"Your leaving," I hear Aiden repeat beside me, his voice not nearly as strained as our bond was becoming.

A soft buzzing starts in my ears, a taunting hum that reminded me of my past mishaps. I tighten my hold on Aiden's knee, trying to secure myself to his unwavering presence but even that didn't stop the anxiety that grew by the second. It carried on while I stared blankly at my son who sat opposite us, my heart racing with the kind of raw panic that should have never had a place where my family was involved.

But it was. The fear that always made me feel like running until it couldn't find me anymore was there and stronger than ever before, ready to chase me if I tried to escape it, ready to find me, just like it always did.

Someone always left, no matter what I tried to do to make sure that the outcome would never be the same, it somehow was never enough.

I'd thought that we were doing well, as a family, trying to find our way back together. I'd thought that progress was being made, from all sides.

Damon came around more often which never failed to lift everyone's mood, and William seemed more comfortable with all of us with each visit. The kids were all doing their part, to better themselves for not only Damon but for all of us. Aiden and I were regularly attending our therapy sessions, we were making progress.

I was so sure that we were, but now...

"I know it's sudden," Damon says breathlessly, his eyes passing between the pair of us only to settle on me for one painful moment before he sighs deeply and runs a frustrated hand through his hair, "I'm not running away or leaving again, it's just... Will needs to go back home and he needs me to go with him. I can't let him go on his own."

Silently Aiden rests his hand on the small of my back while his other grips the one I had on his knee. I lean into his touch, letting him ground me through the turmoil that was quickly taking flight inside of me. I try to focus on Aiden's silent support, letting myself feel it while I take in deep, slow breaths.

"If he needs you, then you have to go," Aiden says, his voice strong and confident. It sounded just as it used to, so much so that Damon's eyes widen a fraction at hearing it after such a long time.

He sounded okay. I knew he wasn't.

"It's not even a question about whether or not he needs you," I say when I muster up the strength to offer Damon a small smile, "if he's going anywhere, you go with him."

Blue eyes that'd mirrored mine light up instantly from our supportive words, they seemed to sparkle just a touch as emotions so deep they threatened to pull me under flicked through his open gaze.

For a moment, my world wavers as I'm suddenly faced with the man that my pup had grown into without offering any signs of warning. Sitting across from us, Damon looked strong and so sure of himself in a way I'd never seen in him before. His frame was no longer sewn together by rage but clear happiness and those deep blues weren't blank anymore, emotion showed through them unabashed and wild, open for inspection or rejection.

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