Brazil and a Surprise

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--Rae's POV--

Wow! Brazil is beautiful! Everyone is so nice!

"Ouch!" I said when I ran into someone on my way out of the airport with the boys. 

"Watch where you're goin, bitch!" said the man, groggily, getting up from the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized, reaching my hand down to help him up. He refused it and got up himself.

"Just watch where you're going, geez. You have eyes for a reason, retard!" said the unknown man walking away. I froze. Why would he say that. All he needed to say was what he said first, which was still harsh. He didn't need to say that. 

"Rae, are you okay? That guy, he was just being a jerk. Don't listen to him. He wasn't watching where he was going." Zayn tried to reassure me.

"No, I think I wasn't watching where I was going," I mumbled. I looked at my feet and just started walking away when Zayn grabbed my arm. I spun around and looked into his mysterious eyes.

"That man was being a jerk and you don't need to put all the blame on yourself. I know you're sweet and all," he said with a light chuckle,"but you gotta be mean sometimes."

"I know, its just, I don't want anyone to go through what I had to..." I trailed off, not wanting to go into detail. He saw the pain in my eyes and didn't question. He held my hand and we walked out of the airport, to the van, and to the hotel. By the way, it's Zayn's birthday tomorrow! I'm really excited because I found this show called Cake Boss and Buddy, the boss, makes these really big, amazing cakes and I called him up, asking if he could somehow ship the cake from the U.S. to here. He said it would be difficult, but he can try. So, we get to the hotel and are walking up. We aren't that busy today so Zayn and I decide to go out tonight. He says he made reservations and that dinner is going to be amazing. I trust him too!

--Ali's POV--

When we arrive at the hotel, there was like two groups of fans. 1 in front and 1 in back. It was crazy! They were screaming our names and trying to touch one of boys, some succeed. While I was walking, hands intertwined with Harry's, some girl grabs my purse and it gets jerked out of my hold. I spin around and see the girl smile. I grab for it and she turns and runs. 

"Hey! Give that back!" I scream at her, while some security guards run after her. 

"What happened?" Harry asks concerned. 

"She took my purse, Harry! She can take stuff from it! I-She-I- ugghhh!" Harry embraces me with a warming hug. What if she just totally takes all my money and my phone. What if she just throws everything in the air like its a party. Its isn't a fucking party! I need my purse! I get out of Harry's hold and runs past all the screaming girls, going to where the girl, with other girls too, and the security guards ran. I can hear everyone shouting my name but I don't want someone stealing my stuff so I just kept running! I don't think I was paying attention cause I ran into one of the security guards. 

"Oh! Sorry," I said and looked at the guards. He just nodded and handed me my purse back. I thanked him and quickly opened it, making sure I had everything in it. Before I knew it, Harry was behind me, followed by a lot of the girls. 

"I have everything, thank you," I said to the security guards and looked at Harry. He looked sad. "Whats wrong?"

"I-I'm sorry," he said embracing me again. 

"It's not your fault, Harry-" he cut me off.

"No, I'm sorry I didn't try to get it for you and you had to get it yourself. I should've been a good boyfriend and chased after the person who stole my girlfriend's purse. I'm sorry," he apologized, looking into my eyes. He had a few tears running down his cheek; I brushed them off with my thumb. I kissed him lightly but lovingly. He smiled when we broke apart and I just realized we were crowded by screaming fans. Harry took my hand and we were guided by the security guards back to the entrance of the hotel. When we got back, everyone was asking queations like, "Are you okay?" or "Is your purse okay?" or "Did the girl take anything from your purse?"

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