We Need to Talk

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--Ali's POV-- 

After the concert was over, the boys and Sydney came off stage. We all hugged Sydney and Niall since we all knew that they need each other. Sydney's mascara and eyliner was everywhere so Eleanor and I took her to the bathroom while the boys talked to Niall. 

"So, what now?" Eleanor asked right when we got into the women's restroom. 

"Eleanor!" I said. 

"What?" she responded while Sydney just laughed. It's good to see her laugh again. She went a long time without laughing or smiling and it started to worry me. Seeing her laughing made me smile. 

"It's okay. Well Niall's gonna have to explain himself of course," Sydney said. 

"The whole thing, you know, with you guys, was not a dare right?" Eleanor asked her. 

"Yeah...I realized that when I started getting ready to come over here," Sydney said and looked at herself in the mirror and gasped. "Wow, hundreds of people saw me like this." We all laughed. 

"You don't look too bad," I tried to cheer her up but she just stared at me, making us laugh again. 

"Here," Eleanor said and gave Sydney some makeup remover wipes from her purse. 

"Thanks," Sydney said and wiped off the smearing makeup. Once she reapplied the makeup, we went back out where we saw Rae, Zayn, Danielle, Liam and Harry talking. They all turned to us when they heard us walking over, and then Harry came over to us. 

"Where's Niall and Louis?" Sydney asked worriedly and Eleanor nodded. 

"Don't worry, they're in the dressing room. They are actually waiting for you, Syd," he explained. Sydney looked at him then at me. She then smiled and made her way over to the dressing room, waving at everyone else standing and watching us. 

"Are they gonna talk now?" I asked my boyfriend and he nodded. Harry took my hand and we walked over to the group, Eleanor walking behind us. I hope everything works out. 

--Sydney's POV-- 

As I walked over to the dressing room, I got butterflies in my stomach. I wanted to hear what happened but I am kind of scared at the same time. When I opened the door Niall was sitting in a chair with his back to me, looking at Louis who was sitting in front of him. When they heard the door open, they both turned to look up at me, and Niall rushed over to me. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, looking at my face. 

"Yeah, I just had to wash my face," I smiled and so did he, sorta. He took my hand and walked me over to Louis. "Please sit." I did and he took a big breath. I looked at Louis and he nodded at me so I looked back up at Niall as Louis left. "Okay, I know the whole situation a week or so ago got out of hand and I'm so, so sorry about that. It was my fault and-"

"Niall-" I tried to say but he didn't let me. 

"Please, Sydney just hear me out," he said and I nodded. "It was my fault and I should not have gone as far as I did. So let me start at the beginning. The boys and I went to a pub to just have a drink in Madrid. When we were leaving, it was about three in the morning and we were all really tired. When we were leaving, Harry walked in front of me and then, out of no where, a woman came up to me, grabbed my head and, well, put her lips on my lips. I swear I had no idea what was going on, and I pulled away as fast as I could but they all got pictures of it," Niall went on as his eyes began to tear up. I stood up and hugged him. I kissed his cheek and had him sit down. He wiped his face and continued. "After that, Harry took me to the van as fast as possible cause I didn't know what to do. After I explained what happened to Harry, he texted Ali to take your phone and computer." So it wasn't a coincidence. "I didn't want you to see it but you did and then hated me." I, well, yeah I did. "I waited for you to call me, text me, skype me, anything until you did. I swear on my life that us dating was not a dare. I just got frustrated that you didn't let me..." he murmured off.

"Shh shhh I know. I know," I said as pushed his hair back and wiped his tears away. His head fell onto my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around him to let him cry. I started to tear up just hearing him cry.

"Niall," I finally said. He looked up at me, and he wiped his eyes and sniffled. "I believe you, okay. I should have listened to you instead of being stubborn old me, okay?" 

"Okay," he nodded. 

"I love you, Niall," I smiled. 

"And I love you," he said back, smiling and leaned over and kissed me passionately. Then someone knocked one the door. 

"Are you two back together yet?!" I think Rae yelled and we laughed. 

"Are we?" Niall asked me. 

"Are you asking me out all over agin?" I fake gasped. 

"Shuttup!" he said and I kissed him again. "Was that a yes?"

"No, that was a let's be friends with benefits," I said sarcasticly and he caught on and laughed. "Of course it was a yes." He stood up and threw me over his shoulder. "Niall!!" He walked out of the dressing room and everyone cheered. 

"They're back to being their weird selves!!" Louis cheered. Everyone laughed and Niall put me down. This night turned around real quickly. 



Yay! They're back together! Oh how I love this so much. Hope you guys do too!




Thanks guys!!

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