Birthday Surprise

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--Sydney's POV--

We are going home today and guess what day it is. Harry's birthday! Ali organized this whole surprise party for him! They are just the cutest! Anyways, I tweet and text Harry a happy birthdays.

Sydney_Benjamin: Happy birthday @harry_styles and man! you are getting old! And tall. Definitely tall. Love ya! xx

To Hazza:) : Happy brithday boo!! See you soon! xx

While, Harry is getting all the tweets and text messages, I'm getting dressed while Niall is still asleep. Niall sleeps like an angel. I never like waking him up but I have to. I lay next to him.

"Niall, honey, we need to get up," I whisper so I'm not too loud than I give him a peck on the lips. He smiles than his eyes open, revealing his  blue orbs. 

"Good morning, beautiful," he whispers back and kisses my forehead. I blush and he gets up and I try to. "Don't get up yet."

"Why not?'' I ask suspiciously. He just smiles, revealing his braces.

"You'll see," he says and walks out of the room. I quickly grab my phone and check twitter to see if he tweeted what he was gonna do. I scroll through and nothing. I set my phone on the bedside table and wait for Niall. 


It took him about 5 minutes to get back. He had something behind his back and oh, did I want to know what it was. 

"Wondering what this is?" he asked, smirking while talking about the thing behind his back. I nodded. He came over and held it out to me. It was a box so I opened it. It was a gold locket.

"Oh my god, Niall! It's beautiful! Thank you," I said and gave him a kiss.

"Open it," he instructs and I do. Its a picture of us at the beach and he was picking me up and hugging me tight while kissing me. I loved it. Niall lifts up my chin to face him. I had a tear rolling down my cheek from happiness. He wipes it away with his thumb. "I gave this to you because I want you to remember that I will always be with you, no matter where I am. If I'm in Spain, Africa, or even just next door. I love you, Sydney. Forever and always." This is the sweetest thing ever. Niall puts the locket around my neck. 

"No one has gotten me something like this," I say, tears rolling down my cheek again. "I never thought I would find the guy that I would love and cherish forever, but than I found you and that is wonderful. This is amazing and I love it. I love you, Niall. I really do," I say, him wiping away my tears. Than, some idiot knocks on the door really loud, ruining the moment!

"Come on, lovebirds! We gotta go!" a recognizable voice yells. Zayn. We laugh and get up. I put the last of my things in my bag while Niall gets ready. I put on dark skinny jeans with a pink, loose top and uggs. I was very lazy so I barely put on makeup and just brushed out my hair. We were ready in ten minutes and boy, were we rushing! When we got out the door, we could already hear the screaming, I guess the boys were down there. I kept the locket on and I always will. We were walked over to the edge and waved.

"OMG ITS SYALL!!! the fans screamed which caused me and Niall to smile. 

"They really do love you, Niall," I said and kissed his cheek. We interwined our hands and walked to the elevator. We met up with Eleanor and Louis. 

"Hey, guys!" I said. 

"Hey!" they returned. Niall and Louis were talking about Harry's birthday while Eleanor asked me a question.

"I haven't seen that necklace before," she stated and wiggled her eyebrows. I giggled.

"Yeah, Niall got it for me," I explained. "It's a locket." I opened it and she just cooed.

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