Out of the Airport with Fans

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--Ali's POV--

When we get out of the airport, there are a bunch of fans screaming, trying to get a glimpse of the boys. I see some scowl but I really do not care.

"Omg! HARRY!!! OVER HERE!!" says a very loud fan.

"Yes, love?" Harry responds. It is so amazing that he can try to respond while other girls scream and him and all the other boys. I look back and see Niall and Sydney talking to a few fans and it seems friendly.  Good. No more violence please! thanks!

"Omg! Will you marry me?!" the fan asks Harry.

"I'm so sorry..uhh.. what's  your name?" Harry asks. Wow. Just wow. It was pretty funny actually. The girl looked lost and it looked like she could not remember her name.

"Uhhh.. oh," she pauses and looks at me. "My name is...Brit." Okay, why did she look at me? Is her real name Britney? :O omg!

"Harry, we need to go. We are behind," I say to Harry while trying to pull him away.

"What's the rush," Harry asks. Really? GAHH! I look at him. He knows it.

--Harry's POV--

Ali looks at me and yes, i know what she means. She wants to leave now. 

"Ok, sorry, love. I need to go," Harry tells the fan politely.

"Why? Just because Ali wants to go does not mean you have to go too," the fan responds. Excuse me?!

"Uhh, have you ever had a boyfriend?" I ask. I ask this because if she has not had a boyfriend than she does not know how a boyfriend will treat you, but if she has, than, her boyfriend was not a real boyfriend. I consider myself real.

"No bu-" the fans tries to say but I interrupt her.

"Exactly. Good day," I says and Ali laughs.  while we turn around. 

"What?" I ask curiously.

"Good day? Hahaha!" Ali says says and laughs. She just laughs at everything and that cheers me up. Hearing her laugh. Now I'm just walking, smiling like an idiot.

"Why are you smiling so much?" Ali asks.

"Becuase I'm with the most loving person in the whole world." I respond.

Now Ali is the one smiling but she absolutely not an idiot. She is blushing and it's too cute.

"So, why did you want to leave so fast?" I ask.

--Ali's POV--

"I wanted to leave because she was Brit," I start to explain. "Do you remember her?"

"I don't. Who is she?" Harrys asked confused.

"Remember on the plane, a while ago when we prank called fans. Remember that girl that took those two girls' phone? Her name was Brit, Britany. After that plane ride, when we were in the car, I texted the girl that we called and asked who she was," I explained.

"And who was she?" Hary asked. It was great because he was listening, really listening, unlike him.

"Sh-he was a umm..." I do not want to continue but I want Harry to know.

" We don't have to talk about it," Harry said reassuringly. 

"No, I'll go on. She," I took a deep breathe, "was the girl that bullied me in 10th grade..."

"Oh Ali," Harry stopped and hugged me tightly. Tears rolled down my cheeks and fell on Harry's shirt. 

"Sorry," I said softly after realizing there was a wet spot on his shoulder.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. It's ok to cry, Ali. It's ok," Harry reassured me. God, Iove that boy with all my heart. He makes me feel so good about myself. No other boy or person can make me feel this good in my life. 

"Thank you, Harry." I thanked him.

"For what?" Harry asked.

" For everything you've done for me." I respond and It's the truth.

--Sydney's POV--

Me and Niall, hands intwined, walked to the nearest Starbucks. 

"I'll have a Classic Coffee Cake and the Pumpkin Spice Latte," I said.

"And I'll have a Pumpkin Spice with a chocolate crossiant," Niall said while getting his wallet out. Well, I was ready.

"Here," I gave the lady my credit card.

"Syd!" Niall whined. I just smiled and we waited for our Drinks. 

"You do not have to buy you know," Niall said.

"But, I wanted to," I replied.

"You're the cutest," Niall said while wrapping his arms around me from behind. No way, He is the cutest. 

"I love you," I said while blushing and meaning it.

"I love you too," Niall said while kissing my neck and sending chills down my spine. This boy is the one. He is amazing.


Was this a good chapter? I don't know, I don't think it was my best. Whatevs. I you liked it, vote or comment! :D

Sydney's Outfit on the right :)

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