Mistakes and a Date

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--Sydney's POV--

"I got you," the man said.

"Just leave me alone!" I screamed at him, trying to run but my feet were frozen. 

"Oh but you look so fine, baby," he slurred. He came closer and pushed me against a wall. 

"Please! Just let me go!" I pleaded. He did not budge. I looked at his face. Pale skin with black eyes. He was scary. I tried kicking but it didn't work. So all I could do was scream. 

"Stop screaming!" the man exclaimed and slapped me.


"AhhhHH!!" I screamed. It was a dream. 

"Sydney?!" an Irish voice asked with concern. I turned to face him. Niall. I fell into his arms and cried. He wrapped his arms around me and comforted me.  "Shh, babe. It was just a dream." 

Stop crying, Sydney. 

I did. I pulled out of Niall's protective arms. I looked into his eyes. They were filled with worry. His hand reached up to my cheek and wiped away my tears. 

"How about some breakfast?" Niall asked.

"That would be nice," I replied and smiled. Niall trotted over to me. 

"Piggy back ride time!" he smiled. I chuckled at him. 

"Okay," I agreed and jumped on his back. He ran around our room and then ran around the house until we got to the kitchen. I was laughing and I totally forgot about my dream. Niall set me down on the stool and he grabbed different foods from the kitchen. He started cooking as I daydreamed. 

What I can't believe is how much happier I am now than I was about a year ago. Niall has brought me so much happiness and so has the other boys and also all the friends I've made along the way. I have been thinking that what if my soccer game had to go overtime and then when I got to the meet and greet, Niall would have already found his girl. My life would have been the normal girl's life. But now, I have so many amazing memories and stories and thats all I could really ask for. I guess I got lost in my thoughts because Niall had already sat down with the food infront of us. 

"Deep in thought I see," Niall smiled at me. I smiled back. 

"Yeah, I was," I admitted.

"What were you thinking about?" he asked curiously as he took a bite of his eggs. 

"About my life," I started," and how much it has changed when I met you."

"In a good or bad way?" he asked.

"In a good way of course. But I was thinking about if my soccer game had to go overtime, the one before the meet and greet," I explained and Niall nodded, indicating he's listening, "and that if I got there later, you might have found a prettier or funnier girl then me." Niall put his fork down and faced me. He grabbed my hands. 

"No one is prettier or funnier or cutier to me than you are," Niall started, making me blush. "I would have waited for you until I met you." He pecked me on the lips and we both smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied and we ate while we talked about random things. Niall always knows when to cheer me up. I love him for that. 

--Ali's POV--

 This morning, Harry was not next to me. Instead, I found a note that read,

Morning Al!

     I'm sorry I'm not beside you but I had an early meeting with management. I left some food on the counter for you. See you later, beautiful. Love you! 

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