Can Life Get Any Better? Maybe....

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--Sydney's POV--

Can life get any better? In a week, I broke up with my boyfriend, the USWNT practice was "cancelled" because of rain, and I haven't even vlogged at all! All I've done is cry and look back at pictures of Niall and I, wearing Niall's sweatshirt. 

I have asked myself questions lately. I remember the look on Niall's face when he said this relationship was a "dare". It was scared and worried, just like how I felt. I have not cried today, being 7 at night. I have been packing all day since I'm flying back at almost midnight tonight. I have everything packed, except my computer charger, computer, and phone charger, which is basically all I used this week. 

Ali is coming to pick me up, with Rae, around a half an hour. They are the two out of three friends I have talked to this week. The third is Louis. He is like an older brother to me and I trust him with everything. He has been telling me that Niall has not been the same since the break up several days ago. He has been not talking or laughing like he usually does. He also is not eating like anything. I'm kind of scared and worried about him.

Interrupting my thoughts, my phone rings and I answer it. 

"Hello," I say in monotone. 

"It's Ali. I'm in front of your house. You ready?" Ali asked.

"Yeah. I'll be there in 5," I replied. She confirmed it and hung up. I grabbed my bags and said bye to my family. It was sad leaving but I could not cry. I just cold not cry anymore. 

Once the goodbyes and farewells were over, I put my stuff in Ali's car and got in. Making small talk for an hour was not very easy since we were all pretty tired. 

After another 2 housr, we were on our plane and leaving Los Angeles and the United States. 


We landed at 7:15 in the morning and even though we all slept the whole way, we were all still tired. So, we left the airport a half an hour later and went to our each flat. I was debating on whether to go with Ali or Rae but most of my stuff was at Niall's so I went there. He is not coming back here for another week so I'll be fine for now. 

--Ali's POV--

I got to my flat and for some reason Eleanor was there. 

"What are you doing here?!" I questioned as I walked through the door. 

"I wanted to see you duh!" Eleanor squealed and hugged me. She helped me bring my bags to my room and we sat down. 

"No, seriously what are you doing here?" I asked here. She took a breath. 

"I have a solution to get Sydney and Niall back together. I have told Louis this already but Niall has been writing something, no one knows what. Louis is gonna try and sneak and see it. Anyways, we want Sydney to go to their last concert in Spain, but since she can't know about this, we are going to say that it is a surprise that we will be there," Eleanor explained. 

"Actually, that is such a good plan! Wow!" I smiled. "Sydney has not been eating or interacting with anyone. She literally stayed in Niall's sweater the whole rest of the week we were in LA."

"Really? I did hear that Niall said it was a dare. Why would he do that though?" Eleanor questioned.

"Maybe because he was frustrated. He has done that before," I told her.

"True," she said. "So, you up for the plan?"

"Totally! When are we leaving?" 

"Their last show is in two days so we will have to leave tomorrow. Keep this suitcase packed. I'll tell Rae and Danielle. You worry about Sydney," Eleanor said. I nodded. 

"Leaving tomorrow. Got it," I said and we smiled and then squealed. 

"Hopefully this works!" we said and then we went to work.


I drove to Sydney's and rang the door bell. She opened the door a couple minutes later.

"What are you doing here?" she asked. I smiled. 

"I have something to tell you," I said. She let me in and we walked to the couch. "Okay so I know you aren't going to like it but all the girls are going up to Spain of the boys' last show. It is a total surprise an I know you won't wanna go but-"

"Ali, if you all the rest of the girls are going then I'll have fun. Plus it's Spain," Sydney resonded with a slight smile. 

"You really wanna go?!" I questioned. 

"I've always wanted to go to Spain," she said and I jumped up and down. Sydney went to get some water and I informed Eleanor. 

To El : Sydney said she will go!!! Text you later 

This will work.



Sorry it's so short! It's mostly a filler chapter.

It's like midnight so I'm gonna go to sleep! Nighty night!



Thanks for reading! :)


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