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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: contains mentions of potential murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

It was well known that Dick Grayson was taken in by Bruce Wayne when his parents died. Grief filled the young kid, and even now as an adult, some may say he's still going through all the stages of grief and back. What isn't well known is the story of how Love and Dick met, because unlike him and Donna they didn't meet through having a guardian in the League.

Anger ran through young Dick's veins and being in an empty mansion he rebelled by taking one of the many cars Bruce Wayne owned for a joy ride. He definitely was not respecting the speed limit and as he drove down the empty night roads of Gotham, Dick speeds past a police car. Being chased by more than three police cars Dick had no intention of stopping, but as he drove into the bad part of town he was starting to get lost by the unknown streets.

Love would joke that she hated the Porsche because Dick ran her over with it but in reality, it saved her life. If she hadn't been run over by the ugly light green-gold Porsche, Love would have never ended up in a hospital under police protection because of the bruises and cuts she had that weren't a part of being run over.

Truth be told her story started with something so simple and mundane which is what made it even more painful.

Field trips, it feels silly as an adult to think back at how nervous/excited the aspect of replacing an outside school activity for schoolwork could be. For Love, that silliness robbed her of her childhood because in thinking like an adult she was stripped of her power. When in reality becoming a metahuman Love had become more powerful than the robbers.

Not having enough money to go to the class field trip young Love decided to find a way to make money. When she found an advertisement looking for participants in a study that paid $250 at the first half of the experiment and $500 by the end of the study. She found it simple, participate in the study by forging her moms signature and tell her overworked parents she was staying after school

One of Love's fears made partaking in the study a bit difficult but once she put her trust in one nurse who made needles piercing her skin painless Love found out it wasn't so bad. That trust was broken when by the second half of the study when Love was starting to have side effects, her being part of a dozen who got positive wanting side effects that the people conducting the study wanted to dissect. Out of that dozen Love was the only one to survive through all the trauma the scientists put their body through along with procedures to recreate her 'condition'.

Love's need to believe that people were at their core good is what gave her a sliver of hope running down the empty halls her ex-favorite nurse had told her to run. Lungs drying aching for Love's legs to stop running and heart to stop pounding in her ears is what almost made her stop but being so close to what she believed could be freedom, made the young girls aching body be a reminder that it was real

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