𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Crane being the maniac he is set up multiple bombs all around Gotham. He'd given Dick a clue as to the wereabouts of the first bomb only for seconds later the building to explode. Not only did it harm the people in the building but the toxic smoke from the bomb was green and made those near it drop to the ground.

Everyone gathered in Tim's secret tech room which was just a basement room with all the work he'd done to figure out the Titans secret identity. They'd been given parts of Crane's poem to find the next location of where he'd hidden a new bomb.

Edith felt like they were wasting their time but considering this was their only lead she stayed with her group.

Dick ends his call with Barbara who'd gotten out of her jail cell and regained her office alongside Vee. Dick walks over to Gar who stands before a map while holding another, "Gar, what do you know?"

"I sit in one of the dives On Fifty-second Street." Gar reads the part of the poem he was analyzing for clues "There's like dive bars near 52nd Street."

"Narrow it down. Find the one." Dick makes sure Gar has his orders before moving off to the next group which was Tim and Rachel "Hey, what you guys got?"

"Line 76, "Who can reach the deaf? Who can speak for the dumb?" Gotham School for the Deaf is at the corner of Machine and tenth." Tim quickly shares knowing everything was time sensitive 

Rachel having more experience with time sensitive issues calmly chimes in, "But there are also four branches of the Wayne Institute for Child Development, each with a program for disabled kids, including the deaf. Do you think he'd target them because of Bruce's connection?"

Dick considers the question before answering, "Find the one closest to midtown. Near hotels, hospitals, apartment buildings. He'd want maximum damage."

Conner and Blackfire were next to be checked on, "Guys, anything?"

Blackfire leaning over many opened books being lit by a small lamp shares their discoveries, "The name Nijinksy comes up in line 59."

"So far, we found a restaurant, a performing arts center  and about 12 private residences."

"The arts center is only a block from here." Dick nods forming a plan "Maybe some X-ray vision for a quick sweep?"

Ready to help Conner does bring up a concern, "I could try, but if Crane's got the bomb in lead containers..."

"Let's hope he doesn't." Dick puts out there before walking over to the table Edith, Donna and Kory were standing over, "Hey, how's it coming along?"

"Like trying to find ten invisible needles in a thousand haystacks." Donna sighs hands on the table while Edith sat on the table crossed legged on the table

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