𝔩𝔩. 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: contains mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

While Dick and Rachel were out getting coffee, Edith stayed at the tower with the boys who were training per her instructions. Both Gar and Jason held a training sword as they stood in the training room, Edith sitting on the sidelines

Jason being blindfold, per Edith's instructions, is facing a reluctant Gar making the brunette say, "When I give the word, come at me, and don't hold back"

Gar nods letting out a sigh not comfortable with the whole training simulation. Jason not being able to see asks, "Did you just nod?"

"Yeah, got it. Just don't hold back," Gar replies with the information the blindfolded boy had just told him

"Go!" Jason shouts

Gar swings his sword which Jason easily evades only to point his sword at Gar's throat. Impressed Edith nods and the two boys continue, Jason doges each one of Gars hits that is until Jason overdoes it by doing a full-body spin landing with his back to Gar. Edith wanted to comment but stays quiet as to not give anything away.

Gar seeing the advantage raises his training sword to hit Jason in the back of his head. Angry that he was hit Jason pulls off his blindfold and turns around, "Fuck, man!"

"You said don't hold back," Gar explains looking over at Edith for guidance while Jason looks at her knowing he was right

"What were you doing? I was fucking blindfolded," Jason curses making Edith sit at the edge of her seat wishing the two would resolve their problems without her having to stand in

"You said, "Don't hold back."" Gar says imitating Jason's voice

Rachel and Dick had arrived home and hearing the commotion walk into the training room where Rachel asks, "Should I get the hose?"

"What's goin' on?" Dick asks walking towards Edith with a cup of tea that was now the right drinking temperature rather than piping hot

"I told them to spar while one is blind. Jason took the blindfold first," Edith explains taking the tea from Dick with a whispered 'thank you' before taking a sip

"Then he went nuts on me," Jason exclaims looking over at Gar who was ready to stand up for himself

"He said, "Don't hold back.""

"Then why do we even learn to fight like this, man?" Jason questions looking at the two adults "Hey, it's idiotic. We have eyes."

"Should I, or?" Dick asks Edith who smiles setting down the cup of tea on the table she'd been sitting on

"When in battle things are taken from you without your permission," Edith explains waking over to Jason and when he least expected it she took hold of the practice sword by bending his arm.

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