𝔩𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Running down to the temple required Rachel to use her astral projection before Rachel could ever try to break down the door. What she saw scared her so much she returns to her body with a gasp, "Something happened to Conner. Trigon came back. And Brother Blood killed him. He... absorbed his power and his evil. It was like he absorbed his soul. I don't know how we're gonna stop him."

When they finally did make it down to the temple the earth had stopped shaking meaning it was safe for them to be underground. Yet nothing prepared them to see Conner laying on the ground burns on his face and eyes open.

"Can you feel anything?" Gar shakily asks in between sobs making Edith pulling him into a side hug needing it just as much as he did

"No." Dick answers being the only one who'd kneeled down by Conner "Come on, let's get him back to the RV."

Once they'd laid Conner on a table by their makeshift infirmary, changed him into a medical gown and cleaned his face the best they could. The only hail mary they had was Dick injecting Conner with Red Kryptonite combined with nitroglycerin and epinephrine. S.T.A.R. Labs had it designed to stabilize Kal-El if the worst ever happened. While it had never been used just the sight of it gave them a sliver a hope, only for it to disappear once the EKG stayed flatlining.

"Now what?" Gar asks only there was nothing to say other than they had a job and needed to keep driving

A death and miles of driving meant Kory had a lot of time to reminisce, almost sounding like she was saying goodbye.

A criminal sighting alert gave them their first lead on Brother Blood who was said to be at a government black site disguised as a chemical warehouse.

The only thing the chemical warehouse gave the Titans was Tim nicely dressed in his new Robin suit. All things considering Brother Blood wasn't actually at the warehouse - he'd projected an illusion meaning he was distracting them.

Once again back in the RV Conner had yet to heal and there was no sign of Brother Blood.

"We've checked news feeds, residual spectral signatures. Both negative." Rachel says her eyes roaming the screen for something new

"Holy shit." Tim curses making Dick and Edith turn to face him watching him answer his phone "Bernard."

"Yeah, it's me. Hi. Um... we've got trouble." Bernard speaks from the other end

"Hang on, let me put you on speaker. It's Bernard." Tim walks out of the infirmary and over to their makeshift control center "Are you okay?"

"Brother Blood is here." Bernard's shaky voice runs through the phone speaker

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