𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Information spread quickly when contaminated water feeds directly into all five boroughs. The chemical was an unidentified high concentrated hallucinogen - one could compare it to LSD. The contaminated water reached half the city's population who ingested that water and if 1% drank it it'd be sixty thousand people harmed.

The LSD worked quick because results were being reported into the police. There had been calls about gun assaults at liquor shops, double homicides, and warehouses on fire. Not being able to shut off the water to 6 million people for five days meant they couldn't flush the water supply into the bay.

Wanting to keep Edith's trust when it came to interacting with Barabara, Dick asked her to tag along for when he needed to go to GCPD. The GCPD had all hands on, there were many people in cop uniforms, suits, and detective clothes.

Getting out of their suits and Edith having to wash off Tim's blood from her hands meant she wanted to look extra nice afterward. The last they heard was that Tim had arrived at the hospital alive but it was radio silent after the hospital doors closed. So all they could do was focus on the problem Crane made them create

Wanting to get out of the dark aesthetic Gotham brings Edith to wear an orange hoodie under a dark denim jacket with embroidered flowers and denim flared jeans with her iridescent dark green lace-up heeled boots.

Dick and Edith appear at the side hall of Barbara's new office space where she spoke to many people in suits holding pens and notepads. It didn't take long for Barbara to spot them and wheel herself over to them.

"Hey," Barbara greets the couple

"Hey." Dick replies while Edith just shares a tight smile

"You all right?" Barbara asks with worry making sure to look over at Edith as well

"A little bit of brain fog from the accident," Dick answers looking over at Edith knowing she had a better experience about the explosion and knew how she was as well "but we're feeling better now."

"All right." Barbara believes his words before the leader in her needs answers "Anything new out there?"

"No," Edith speaks up for the first time hands in the back of her jean pocket "We scanned the entire city and nothing"

Vee walks over to the woman in a coffee blazer not sorry to interrupt, "Senator McDonald's office just called. The Feds are sending in the National Guard."

"Good. We could use the help." Barbara nods starting to relax as that was one thing off her hands

Vee quickly took away that by sharing more, "No, they're not here to help. They're sealing off the city. No one in or out."

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