𝔩. 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊

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❃.✮:▹ TW: contains mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Love answered Donna's call, but she couldn't make it in time to see Kory have her hand wrapped around Gar's neck while Rachel laid on the ground hurt. Donna was the one who was able to stop Kory with her glowing lasso, and when everything was calm the lasso is what gave Donna away as Wonder Girl.

Rachel thought that in trying to help Kory get her memory back she did something wrong which caused Kory to go all murder. When Kory regained conscious, she didn't remember anything, but the damage had already been done. Angela wanted Kory out of her house and Kory had new memories that were pulling her towards a new place.

Kory leaving made Donna throw a star tracker at the back of the truck so she and Dick could follow. While they tail Kory, Love calls Dick needing an update, "I am about an hour away, please tell me no one is dead"

"No one is dead, but your friend was close to killing Rachel," Donna replies before Dick can break the news

"Kory?" Love asks driving 100mph if not more through the empty road but there being a pothole she swerves making her curse

"Kory's not a killer," Dick states which Love also 100% supported only for her racing mind to make but

"Well actually she has killed people," Love shrugs tapping the wheel of her borrowed car "but Kory loves Rachel. Kory's done nothing but help the girl. So, you sure you saw Kory wanting to hurt Rachel?"

"What we saw back there, that wasn't the real Kory," Dick answers Love's question

"Glad you both made friends," Donna states knowing they really must have bonded with the magenta haired girl or else they wouldn't be justifying her no longer being a murder

Being able to hear another engine Love asks, "Mhm, where the fuck are y'all driving to?"

"We're following Kory-"

Love pressing on the car's brake while asking, "Okay send me her location so I can meet you there."

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Kory had parked the truck she drove in outside an abandoned factory building and once she'd stepped outside the truck she was able to see the car that'd been following her. Yet she didn't wait for them as she continues walking to the buildings door while Donna parks the car and Dick quickly walks out of the Jeep. At the sound of the car doors opening and closing Kory turns around not expecting the brunette from the cabin

"Who is she?" Kory asks Dick introductions not being made earlier at the house

"I'm the person who knocked you out," Donna answers walking over to stand next to Dick  

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