𝔩𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖔𝖓𝖊

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

With Gotham having been so dark the Titans needed something of a palette cleanse which came in the form of a little competitive bowling match.

It was Rachel's turn when Dick returns to the table Edith sat at with snacks from the concession stand. Dick places a hand over Edith's shoulder as they both watch Rachel throw a strike leading her to do a celebratory dance and high five Tim and Gar.

Basking at her surroundings Edith couldn't help but smile and lean into Dick's shoulder. Stopping from eating the popcorn Dick asks, "You alright?"

"A few days ago I couldn't have imagined this, and I'm so glad we have this" Edith smiles and meant it because it might of been getting out of Gotham the one thing she needed but all of it being behind them felt like a blank slate for what's to come. Personally, Edith wanted the next few days to contain this purple-lit bowling alley's charm of allowing them all to be happy. "We got really lucky"

"Plus skill and strength, courage, teamwork, brains." Dick lists off which comes to a stop with Edith looking up at him ready to let her eyes roll "But, yeah, mostly luck."

Conner throws a strike making everyone celebrate the fact that he'd finally scored big rather than just knocking less than three pins. Tim on the other hand only knocks out half of the pins but lets the disappointment roll off his shoulders letting it be Gar's turn

Dick's phone rings and the caller ID read 'Bruce Wayne' making them both look at each other. Edith raises her hands that showed her fingers crossed making Dick nod before walking away

Rachel protests against Gar bowling with a tentacle arm calling it unfair and cheating. Edith's walks up to the teens being the only one not wearing the bowling shoes they place provided - she has a rule about communal shoes. Instead, she wore beige sneakers with embroidered dinosaurs, that matched her light blue trimmed beige bowling shirt which she wore open letting her dark orange corset show.

"You did great Gar," Edith encourages the boy

With her free hand Edith high-fives Gar luckily missing out on having to high-five his tentacle arm like Conner was subjected to.

No longer filled with pure happines that he was a few seconds ago Raven asks him, "Who was that?"

"Oh, Dad. He's worried we're already into something." Tim replies taking his place at being next to bowl

With a grin Gar questions, "Hey, did you explain to him that sometimes we go hours without saving the world?"

"Yeah. I think he just wanted an excuse to call." Tim voices not liking the fact that his parents kept calling 24/7 "My phone's been blowing up ever since we left."

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