𝔩𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Waking up back in the temple and having sunlight shining through the cracks confused everyone because they were surrounded by no one. All they remember was being surrounded by darkness and according to Raven - who was dressed from head to toe in white - May had sent them to the death realm.

The only reason they seemed to be alive was because Gar saved them somehow - they'd heard this voice in the darkness. Rachel having her powers back was certain she'd know if he was dead meaning he was alive.

Conner mad at how things ended left the team not caring what they planned to do next because he was going to do things his way. Rachel on the other hand was using her powers to release Jinx's spirit from the place of evil they stood.

The one thing they did find before Conner left was something from Lex buried under one of the runes. A letter signed to Conner made him read only that which Lex read for the team to hear; "If you're reading this, my plan failed and May is as evil as I feared. You must stop her. The book contains information only known by me. Give it to Richard. He claims to be a master detective, so let him detect."

The journal contained images resembling those from the story book they'd found underground. The writing in the journal was of ancient Tamaranean dialect so Kory couldn't read it.

Luckily Dick knew Roberta - an eccentric woman who is an expert in extraterrestrial languages.

Dick, Edith and Kory stood outside of an apartment that had three deadbolts and one pin pad.

Dick knocks on the door only for it to be open making a woman shout, "Come in. EMF hats by the door."

"I love this woman," Edith giggles noticing the tin foil hats and while she'd never met the woman she seemed pretty cool even if she was different

"We're actually good on the, uh, hats, Roberta." Dick speaks out walking through the hall to a room that had the windows covered in tinfoil

"Suit yourselves."

"Hello?" Dick calls out just as a woman swivals in the computer chair to face them "No devices on us, just like you asked."

Roberta eyes Edith up and down before doing the same to Kory only with more fascination. Roberta slowly stands up and walks two Kory before sniffing her up to which Kory does her best to not flinch away, "No scent of sulphur. Must be a myth."

Roberta still eyeing Kory with an inquisitive look making the woman introduce herself, "I'm Kory. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Roberta starts speaking Tamaranean making Kory raise her hand letting it glow along with her eyes and answers back in her native language. At the sight Roberta laughs with giddy dance returning to her chair, "I was expecting orange light. Why is yours blue?"

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