𝔩𝔩. 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Edith waking up in the middle of the night was normal but having reminisced with Dick and Hank in the living room made her rounds be late. So, she walks around the tower making sure the teens were sleeping and not training or in the tech room.

"What happened to Jason?" Edith asks arms crossed standing outside of Rachel's room looking in to see her standing with Garth near the bed having heard Jason's name being said

Gar doesn't say anything until he leads them to the tech room, Dick joining them making the green haired boy share the news.

"We figured out that Dr. Light was in the train tunnels." Gar begins explaining as he paces the room while Dick sits on the chair before the monitors while Edith leans on the side of the monitors both glancing over to Gar and then back to the monitor screens

"Jason wanted to prove to you that he wasn't a reject. We were gonna come right back. And then, Jason wanted to split up. And then I heard him scream, and I ran, but they were already gone."

"Why did you go out there in the first place?" Dick asks doing his best to not show his anger in his voice "On your own, with no weapons, no backup."

"I'm sorry," Gar apologizes his guilt weighing heavy on his shoulders

Edith places a hand on Dick's shoulder making him stay quiet while she calmly and without anger says, "Gar this is neither of your faults. All we need right now is details... specifics. So just write down everything you remember"

Edith hands Gar a tablet for him to write down what he remembers making Dick share, "I'm searching for his tracker right now."

The computer finishes processing locating Jason's tracker making it beep before saying "Subject offline."

"I-If Jason's still down there, all that concrete and stone, it would mask the GPS signal from the satellite," Gar says doing his best to help out

Dick's eyebrow furrow in thought, "Yes. It would."

Having a new thought in mind Dick told Gar to leave the room while at the same time he called for the original Titans to meet him and Edith. With Donna, Hank and Dove joining them in the monitor room and shared the news of Jason, Edith feared it would cause another fight like before.

"Why did they go after Dr. Light by themselves in the first place?" Donna asks arms crossed holding back a sigh

"I don't know," Dick answers making Edith roll her eyes "He's been complaining about being left out lately."

"Oh, don't blame yourself. Shit-stirrer did this on his own," Hank speaks not liking Jason but that didn't mean he wasn't worried

"There must be 20 or 30 miles of tunnel down there," Dawn says being able to read the tunnel schematics on the screen "Maybe more."

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