𝔩. 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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❃.✮:▹ TW: contains mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Love laid on a hospital bed, and when she regained conscious the thing that made her heart race for the worst was the sound of the monitors she was hooked up to. The young girl with green hair never did ask why she had been restrained to the bed, but they did their job in keeping Love in her bed rather than unhooking herself from the machines.

"Good to see that you're awake," A voice makes Love flinch not having heard the door open. The nurse makes their way to Love's monitors, chart in hand leaving the girl to lay in the bed still, "You've had a lot of people worried. We need your name to call your parents"

Love doesn't say anything, she'd learn that no matter what she would say the nurses and doctors around her didn't care for her protests rather the genome in her body. Walking to the other end of the bed the nurse speaks up, "There's a boy who keeps visiting you, I heard he's the reason you ended up here. Car crash"

"I was run over? By a kid?" Love asks in a monotone voice making the nurse take it as a joke rather than serious

With a smile, they answer, "It was a miracle someone had found you, even more miracle that being found only caused you to get a broken leg... Can you tell me how you got the other cuts and bruises?"

Love stays silent, she didn't trust the nurse, and being able to notice that the nurse closes the girl's chart, "Okay... I will be back soon with some food, hopefully, then you'll be open to telling me your name"

It was later in the day when Dick arrived at the hospital, he'd been feeling guilty for running over a girl around his age. Especially after getting out of the car and seeing how dead she looked with so much blood on her clothes and one of her legs pointing in the other direction.

Hearing the door open Love turns her head, expecting a nurse to walk into the room or a cop like the previous nurse told her someone would be visiting. Instead, a kid her age dressed in black stood at the doorway, "Are you the kid that ran me over?"

"Yeah," Dick states walking over to the bed with his hands in his sweater pocket "been meaning to apologize but you were never awake, and I don't know your name. No one actually does so we've been calling you Jane Doe"

"My name doesn't matter in all of this, all that's going to happen is I get patched up and leave here," Love sighs looking at her white casted foot

"Don't you want revenge? The guys who did this to you are out there and the cops can help find them," Dick projects some of his anger towards her situation

"What makes you think some guys did this to me?" Love asks picking up her jello from her untouched food tray "Plus I don't even know who the fuck you are. So, if you think I should be out for revenge shouldn't I be seeking revenge on you? You did run me over"

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