𝔩𝔩. 𝖙𝖜𝖔

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Morning came too quickly in Edith's opinion and sadly only brought more terrible news. Dick had woken her up and informed her of how dropping Rose went, Rose, being the silver-haired girl who'd finally told Dick her name. The drop-off at the train station was going smoothly until a bright light exploded the Jeep, Dick, and Rose barely getting out of the vehicle without a scratch on them.

The second bad news Edith was met with when she and Dick arrived at the tech room where Jason, Gar, and Rachel had taken initiative to find out who Rose was before she'd even told Dick her name.

"That's Rose's father?" Rachel asks on the screen showing a photo of Rose and her dad but also Slade Wilson in his silver armor as Deathstroke

"Yep. The one and only Deathstroke," Jason answers there being a faint hint of awe in his voice

"Is that somebody you know?" Rachel asks the two adults standing in the middle of the room eyes not leaving the proof the screen showed

"Kind of," Dick answers both him and Edith being familiar with Deathstroke's work and history "Old Titans business."

"Check it. Former Delta Force commando, part of H.I.V.E." Gar speaks reading off the information the Wayne satellites could locate "'Select soldiers who underwent a series of experimental bio-enhancements.' Huh. Out of the 35 trial subjects, the only one to survive was Slade Wilson."

A chill runs down Edith's spine just like the first time she'd heard Slade was a part of an experiment just like she was and both being the only ones to survive.

"INTERPOL says he retired years ago after the death of his son, Jericho," Gar continues reading making Edith and Dick share a look "I tried having the computer find—"

"We'll take it from here," Edith strictly says walking over to the keyboard and hitting three familiar keys making the screens all go blank

Before anyone can protest an alarm sounds and the security system speaks up, "Security alert. Main entrance. Access denied."

Edith allowed one of the monitors to tell them where the security breach was happening from. On a small screen, the front entrance live footage appears allowing them to see Hank, Dawn, and Donna who looks up at the camera, "So I guess you changed the code."

"Finally," Rachel whispers glad to see the familiar faces

As the boys follow Rachel to the living room to wait for the super friends who were given access to enter. Dick and Edith weren't as excited for everyone's arrival knowing they would be walking to an unhappy past

"You guys have no idea how much this place misses you," Rachel smiles greeting the three adults

"This place, huh?" Dawn asks with a smile dropping her luggage so she can hug Rachel

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