𝔩. 𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: contains mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Love not being able to enter the shimmering wall surrounding the house, looks back at the girls wanting some help to get in. Nothing they threw at the wall worked, yet that didn't stop Love who was ready to set fire to roots from the ground she'd grown but didn't make their way into the barrier.

"Would you just stop?" Donna shouts tired of hearing the fire from Kory's powers and the vines from Love's power being fizzled out by the border "You're wasting all your power."

Love lets out a frustrated grunt while Kory speaks up, "Rachel is in there. Anything could be happening to her."

Love couldn't help but want to mention how they should also be worried about Dick and Gar but before she can Donna still not trusting Kory quickly remarks, "Says the woman who was sent here to kill her."

Kory and Love give the girl a look only for Donna to back off, "Okay, now that she and Dick are in there with some intergalactic demon, maybe you could try something that might actually work?"

"Like what, Donna? Or were you hoping the sheer force of your criticism would save her?" Kory questions with distaste both of them facing each other

Donna's jaw tenses up making her quickly reply, "At least I'm not draining my powers just because I can't sit still."

"Hey!" Love protests not liking how that quip can be directed to her as well

"Says the Titan who quit," Kory says taking it too far

"What the fuck did you just say?" Love asks her nostrils flaring ready to get in the middle of everything

"You really wanna go there right now?" Donna asks taking a step closer to the magenta haired women

Before anything serious can happen, they are interrupted by car lights parking before them. Being blinded by the lights the three women squint only to hear a teen voice, "Hey, don't stop on my account. I like where that was heading."

"Jason?" Kory and Love question being able to see the boy dressed up as Robin

"That's right!" Jason exclaims being the only one excited to be there "The goddamn cavalry has arrived."

"What the fuck is that?" Donna questions in distaste turning to ask Love "And why is it wearing Dick's costume?"

"Dick's talkative replacement," Love voices just as Jason introduces himself

"The new and improved Robin."

Not enjoying the car ride with the masked teen Hank follows up with, "The annoying new Robin."

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