𝔩𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖙𝖜𝖔

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Things had turn for the worst before they were able to leave Metropolis.

"The sudden death of Alexander Luthor continues to shock the world as Superboy is detained in connection with Luthor's death. An official statement from LexCorp does indeed confirm that Superboy is and I quote, "a genetic aberration", a weapon combination of Superman and the late Lex Luthor's genetic material."

"Developed as a weapon, and with great regret, it seems he has become just that. In this journalist's opinion, I see a rush to judgement against a young man that wears a symbol of justice. Let me hope that in Metropolis, once the facts are known, he can still receive it."

The news outlets were either for or against Conner making the public sway from one to the other standing in believing Superboy could be connected to Lex Luthor's death. Conner being a Super meant being under arrest unlike other people; he had men in riot gear pick him up, he was up in a cell lined with kryptonite, and had a whole floor to himself lined with officers and cameras watching his every move.

The kryptonite only dampened Conner's superstrength, his super hearing on the other hand was working making him pick up on what people were saying about him.

"I can hear them. People outside, what they're saying about me." Conner tells the three adults who had visited him while steping closer to them the best the chains let him, "I didn't kill him, Dick. It happened the way I said it did."

"I know." Dick nods arms crossed being better at masking his worry than Edith did who had her hands in her leather coat pockets a worried furrow in her eyebrows 

"We're gonna get you out of here, Conner." Kory reassures keeping her cool

"And find the people who did this." Dick states knowing they weren't leaving Metropolis until the people who were responsible for Conner being in cuffs to pay

Conner glances back at the guard walking from one corner to the other his radio faintly emitting noise. Taking a step towards the line of his cell Conner secretly shares, "I've never seen anything like that. I didn't know that kind of power existed. He was terrified. No one should die like that. Not even Lex Luthor."

Conner may have been right but for now the adults couldnt agree so Edith changes the topic, "How are they treating you in here?" 

"Besides the Kryptonite?" Conner chuckles trying to lighten the cold truth "Like I'm a murder. Like I'm the weapon I was created to be." 

Conner walks to the other side of his cell to look at the closes guard wearing full riot gear not one inch of skin showing. Conner scoffs, "Lex was right. All it takes is one mistake, and you're the villain."

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