𝔩𝔩. 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Edith had gone to Wayne Manor with a senior Peanut Butter at her side and the dog not having the same energy it used to changed what the teens would do. It had been almost two years since Edith got a super suit made for her, yet sitting on a bench out in the back of the manor Dick had just proposed Edith with the idea of forming something called the Titans.

"You want to do what?" Edith asks moving down to pet her Golden Chow

"Create a team," Dick excitedly answers wanting her to join the team he was creating "got Bruce's permission to use one of his safe houses as a base and home"

Edith was glad to see the boy excited but she still wasn't ready to say yes so she asks, "And Donna is on board?"

"Yeah, she just needs to settle some things with Jillian then will meet us in San Francisco," Dick explains making Edith nod her head

"San Francisco? That's the secret base you chose?"

"I can always ask for a different safe house if you don't like San Francisco," Dick replies willing to do anything to get Edith to say yes in joining

"Okay," Edith sighs but Dick wasn't clear to what question her answer was for


"Okay, I'll join the team"

"You will?" Dick questions with excitement

"Yes," Edith smiles before looking down at her beloved dog, "But first I need to find Peanut Butter a home"

"Why don't you just take her with us?" Dick asks moving to sit on the ground next to the dog

"She's getting older," Edith answers looking down at her dogs who laid now in her back enjoying the belly rubs from the two teens "I should find her a good home where her owners don't go out in the middle of the night to fight only to come back bruised and with the need to do research on the bad guys"

"I'm actually going to miss her," Dick shares making Edith sigh trying to push away her sadness at the thought of having to leave Peanut Butter behind

"Shit Grayson don't start," Edith curses breathing deeply not ready to say goodbye or cry in that moment

"Come on then, let's go make some peanut butter sandwiches," Dick says making the dogs head perk up in interest

With a laugh Edith nods her head kissing her dogs head before telling her, "Come on let's go inside"

The Golden Chow stands up and starts walking by the two teens side back into the house for her promised peanut butter sandwich

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