𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖘𝖎𝖝

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Even if Edith and Dick were in a funk as a couple that didn't mean they weren't going to be sleeping in the same bed. After Dick had returned from Barbara's place he'd gone in search of Edith who he thought would be in bed but wasn't.

They were both comfortably sleeping when Dick's phone rings, waking both of them up. Dick hearing it was his phone, removes his arm from around Edith's waist to reach for his phone on the nightstand. Dick thinking it was going to be a simple call that would end with him back in bed soon he lays back on the bed.

Being able to feel him at her side once again Edith wraps her arm around Dick's torso who answers the call after checking the caller ID with a simple, "Hey"

"Hey." Barbara answers having been awake longer than he had "Sorry to wake you."

"No problem. What's going on?" Dick groggily asks moving a hand to caress Edith's back making her relax and welcome sleep even if his voice and the one coming out of the phone were making it hard to do so

"Three attacks already tonight. A dozen killed, twice that many injured" Barbara informs the Titan's leader giving him the same information she'd been given no less than ten minutes ago

At the important news Dick pinches Edith's waist to wake her up to which she just slaps his hand away and moves her head to look up at him as he continues to listen to the information being given which she could clearly hear in the silent room, "None of the attackers have any history of violence. Just regular folk who went berserk. They found inhalers at all the scenes."

"They're putting their drug on the street," Dick states understanding what Crane's plan now was for the sudden violence

"First Lady Vic, now this. What the hell does Crane want?" Barbara asks not expecting the answer but a moment to just vent and brainstorm

"What he's always wanted, to create chaos through fear," Dick answers knowing Crane would always go back to his roots as scarecrow

"Please tell me this doesn't have anything to do with you and I working together," Barbara asks for reassurance not wanting all the fall of sudden violence fall back to them teaming up

"No, it's not." Dick mumbles, a part of him yearning for sleep "He was doing this way before us. That's why Batman put him away."

"Yeah. Then we let him out again," Barbara sighs taking partial blame for Crane escaping that night in the woods

"We'll put him back in..." Dick trails off knowing they had to work as a team and looks down at Edith who had gone back to putting her ear to his chest "together."

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