𝔩𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Running an unconscious Rachel back into the RV was the first thing the team did, allowing the medical bed to track her vitals. Her heartbeat was steady but she was freezing cold.

Rachel wakes up with wide eyes and a gasp not remembering what had happened. The only thing she did know was that while she could feel the hands helping her stay sitting up she couldn't feel them.

Needing to be somewhere private and still in Metropolis the RV stayed parked in the woods. That driving time gave everyone the space to try and process what had happened

In checking in with Rachel, Dick had a plan for everyone. Rachel was to rest and get situated with her new temporary soul-less self. Gar was set to stay with Rachel in the RV.

Tim was being sent back to S.T.A.R. Labs where he was going to be starting his Robin training. Conner was going to be joining Tim along with Kory who were tasked with using the Labs' resources to find what they can about the woman from last night.

Edith and Dick were going to be running a secret errand - so secret Edith didn't know about it. That is until she saw the sign; Bludhaven State Penitentiary.

Once the guarded place came into view Edith turned to her boyfriend who drove, "Why are we going to a prison?"

"I didn't wanna say anything back there, but what happened to Rachel scares me." Dick admits keeping his attention on the view while Edith reaches out to rub his shoulder "We're dealing with the supernatural. That's just not something I know a lot about. Without Rachel, we're gonna need someone who knows this stuff, knows the players."

"Who are we visiting?" Edith asks the gates opening up for their car to enter

"There's a woman I knew back in Gotham." Dick states parking the car which makes Edith raise her brows at the news "Her name's Jinx. She's a thief and a grifter."

Exiting the car Edith looks over the car to her boyfriend, "And this Jinx who you've never introduced me to is going to help us how?"

"She travels in those circles." Dick answers walking over to the guard who opens a set of gates that lead to a visiting space "She might be able to tell us who hit us last night."

Two guards walk a woman with pink short hair out to the separation gate still wearing cuffs on her feet and hands. In her light yellow jumpsuit the woman looked harmless but considering she was behind bars there was a story to it.

"She looks harmless." Edith states knowing in their world that could mean many things one of them is that she wasn't actually harmless

"Yeah, I know." Dick distantly replies

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