𝔩𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Rachel and Sebastian being closed into the secure room meant everyone else was staying in STAR Labs until their hours were done. And yet things were never that easy for the group.

Tim and Bernard were strolling the halls when they were met with a supernaturally large snake.

"The thing was enormous." Tim tells the group as they all stand before the camera monitors that showed no snake in sight "It went by the door, and then we lost it on the monitors."

"But we definitely saw it in the north hallway." Bernard tells everyone before shuddering "I'm going to have a lifetime of nightmares now. I would be bathing in that thing's digestive enzymes, if it weren't for Tim."

"Thanks, for the visual." Gar mutters not trying to hide his distaste for it

"I should have tried to kill it." Tim scolds himself feeling like he kept being pushed to the sidelines

"That would've been a bad idea." Bernard reassures the man standing next to him

"Or a fatal one." Dick states before turning to look at their newest temporary member "This is magic. We're in Jinx's world now. What's your take on this?"

"Well, a snake is that crazy lady's signature move, right?" Jinx questions starting to connect the dots

"Could have been the same snake that killed Lex. " Kory agrees

"God that's disgusting," Edith mutter with a shudder not wanting to think much about one snake having gone through a mans inside now be roaming around the lab

"How did the snake get inside of S.T.A.R. Labs? We had every inch of this place covered." Gar looks over at the monitors that had every inch of the lab on camera

"Doesn't matter now, does it?" Jinx questions looks around the control rooms "The point is that it's here. And Mommy's gonna use that snake to get what she really wants"

"Which is Sebastian. So how do we stop this thing?" Dick asks ready for suggestions

"Well, I am gonna have to consult the only person capable of handling a snake of this magnitude.

Samuel L. Jackson." Jinx jokes which gets a chuckle from Gar

"Jinx. Focus, please." Kory scolds with a smile

"Okay, okay." Jinx smirks before sharing her logic "It's magic versus magic, right? So, if you catch this thing, I will magic your little snake."

"So not little." Tim comments ready to bite his nails but drops his hands to his side

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